Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Libelous Richard F. Caraviello

928,671 @ 2:46 pm

R.F. Caraviello is an ignorant individual not qualified to be council president.

 This writer is SERIOUSLY looking into how we impeach Mr. Caraviello, Adam Knight and Frederick N. Dello Russo Jr.

I am as serious as a judge.
Furthermore, we need a new city solicitor.

Mark Rumley was oh so nice to me today, harassing my lawyer yesterday.  You never know if you are getting Bruce Banner or  Mr. Hyde,

Dr. Jekyll or the Incredible Hulk.

But as my late friend Professor Ray McNally said to me on TV3 - interviewing him for his book In Search of Jekyll and Hyde, they were one and the same.

Robert Louis Stevenson put it right in the title - "I kill and Hide" (JeeeKYLL and Hyde - the "Y' letter replacing the "i")

Dr. Jekyll didn't need the potion to turn into Mr. Hyde.  Mr. Hyde was his beard.  Jekyll WAS the killer blaming it on a split personality.

Correct pronunciation JEEKYLL not JEK-ill

These jackasses then say people need medical attention to besmirch them. Is there an echo in here?  Sounds like Chief Leo A. Sacco Jr. beating up on victims again. What a criminal, gangster city. They make Michael Corleone look like a nice guy.

Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Wikipedia

Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a novella by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson first published in 1886. The work is also known as The .

When Mark E Rumley turns on a city councilor (ostensibly his own client) - basically, it is as simple as me saying to a respected judge "YOUR HONOR Objection' to get Rumley thrown off of a witness stand as "irrelevant." (9/1/16, Somerville Court.)

But in this instance after the attack on Michael Marks in public on TV - it would be