Saturday, September 22, 2018

Knight Plays Death Card Again at The City Council...Shameful!

1,253,847 @ 11:31 am  Saturday  9-22-18

See City Council Agenda for the grisly details:

What does Adam Knight do for the 30K a year, useless city councilor funded by people from outside of the city, allegedly?

We'd say that he stalks the obituary columns so that he can make like he's oh so sad and solemn, but just using grieving families to seek out votes.

Sick and twisted action by that sick twist.

We'd say that, but since it appears he is ultra palsy with the gay undertaker, perhaps he's just using the city council chambers for a free obituary on the government channel so that he doesn't have to fork over hundreds for Nell Coakley's fee over at the Medford Transcript.

Adam Knight prostitutes the city council to praise people that we've never heard of, to act sad and have a moment of silence, but rarely - if ever - does his job to fight for access TV rights or fixing potholes and the broken streets

Why doesn't Adam Knight have condolences for access TV?   With Patrick Gordon playing the part of Rent-Boy-Dot-Com for Mrs. Burke, access TV, for the public, is dead and buried, and the gay undertaker wants to sue because they can't find the corpse and Freddy Krueger can't get his fifty dollar tip!

Adam Knight looks like LURCH from a horror TV show or Fred Gwynne as Herman Munster, The Addams Family vs The Munsters...

On July 2, 1993 Fred Gwynne died.  They can exhume the body, put him on the Medford City Councilor and he would be 50 times more lively than Madame Knight!
The pumpkin is the Transcript's Nell Escobar Coakley in a casual moment

The Late Ted Cassidy moves more swiftly than Madame Knight
Publicity photo from Pleasure Island Wakefield, maybe Lurch gave birth to Adam Knight

It's Happy Halloween every Tuesday with the gay undertaker and drag queen Madame Knight!

Student targeted by Ole Miss donor's 'racist' post speaks out: 'I relinquish being oversexualized and scapegoated' - bitter old Republican donor's racist heart: