Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Nick Iovino Speaks! (Well, sort of...)

a parody
on a publication that is up to 123,569 hits at 9-33 AM 9/25/13
Ya think Aunty Nell isn't a little jealous over THAT fact?

Interview with Nick Iovino

Medfraud No-Cable News: Nick you've been such a doll to us, letting us lie to the public non-stop and not publishing any facts

N.I.: Ms. Floria, thank you, I thought Ms. Hot-Bottom was going to do this interview?

Floria: Nope, you've got Ms. Big Bottom, deal with it.

N.I.  I have such a great job as a typist.   Who gives a damn about investigative reporting, public records requests, Freedom of Information Act and asking probing questions of cronies, fruit cakes and some creepy old guy who drags a 2-wheel shopping cart around the city like he's auditioning for Charlie Chaplain's The Tramp

Floria: You're on a roll today!  If you wrote like that people might actually read you

N.I. Why do you think my initials are "Nothing Inthere" 

Floria: I thought your initials stood for "Not Interested"

N.I.: That too.  When you got a boss like Nell you just do what you are told and take your paycheck

Floria: And run!  Hey, why is Nell never smiting in those photos?

N.I.  ON Halloween it is her in the window of our Somerville office.  I just put a lit candle in her

mouth and everyone thinks she is a Jack-o-Lantern.  Look at this photo she makes me carry in her wallet, who does she think she is, the Mona Lisa?

Floria: Well aren't you mean-spirited?

N.I. Not as mean-spirited as selfish "Nell, take-the-money-and-run" Jack-O-Lantern who spits in the face of Medford residents so she can pull a Sharon Stone on Joe Pesci in the film Casino

Floria; You implying that Pesci is Mike McGlynn and Nell is the out-of-control, drug-addled wife of Al Pacino doing things which get gangster Remo Ganggi all in a tizzy?

N.I. Who's implying?