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My Struggle, the Memoirs of a Gay Undertaker
By Frederick N. Anonymous, Jr.
Mein Kampf (German: [maɪ̯n kampf], My Struggle) is a 1925 autobiographical book by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler and back in 2017 the city of Medford ran much like the Gestapo - the German State Secret Police who could arrest anyone for the hell of it. See alleged attorney Nark Bumley's favorite page, Wikipedia, for a clearer definition: The Gestapo
were allowed to arrest people that offended the government in any way.
The government could use the secret police to accuse and arrest anyone
I had to wait all these years, to 2037, to finally tell my story, my struggle, because those who could hurt me for speaking up are now gone. I should know, I buried them!
It was pretty grisly stuff.
One of my colleagues actually hired a sex offender! Think about it!
He hired a sex offender and then pawned him off on a housing authority which gleefully gave him keys to every apartment. This is how they controlled the population. He's dead now too. They made it look like a suicide! Three suicides all connected to Billerica ...how coincidental! Not! And all of them had a connection, all of the deceased had alleged self-inflicted wounds from the same butcher knife! No wonder there was always an SUV flying through a DO NOT ENTER sign at the time of these murders...I mean suicides!!!! All caught on camera and destroyed by Roger Goodell himself!
These kind of fear tactics and threats to have absolute silence from the citizenry. Where was the police chief, you may ask? He was looking FOR A BIGGER PENSION, so he turned a blind eye to real crime and took off for vacations with his girlfriend, always looking at his watch, counting how much bigger his pension would be the longer he held on.
When grandpa and uncle went to prison I would write them. Of course I wasn't born yet, but I wrote them anyway:
Dear Gramps:
Thanks for pillaging and plundering the city. I am a beneficiary of your wrongful conduct and really and truly appreciate it. I'm so socially inept that if I didn't have the family business to fall back on, I would be viewed as the reprobate jackass that I really am. Thank you for taking advantage of your community and thank you for the bubble you let me live in.
They so appreciated the letters they never got because I wasn't born yet, but I sent the letters to them in their dreams and they sure appreciated it. In 2017 I was hauling in half a million dollars as a grave robber and 30k to sleep at the city council along with our clerk, Ed Gwynn, the Herman Munster of Medford himself!
City Clerk Ed Gwynn
Eddy really packed on the pounds too, and they were all above the neckline. There was Mr Gwynn - his eyes shut at the city council like mine, never doing our jobs, just taking the money and tucking it away for a rainy day.
Old Clerk Gwynn would supervise ANYTHING a resident wanted to put on the agenda for city council meetings. He had a young houseboy that we called Madame Light (in the loafers.) A closeted homosexual married to a woman (thank the stars for Viagra!) ...they would wreak havoc on the residents by -
a)denying them the right to publish petitions
b)censoring the petitions
c)yelling "point of information" when there was no point of information, just to interrupt
d)pushing motions to the back of the pile
e)Madame Light (in the loafers,) myself and Richard F. (for fraud) Caravireprobate all getting up and walking out on a speaker, despite the fact that we voted for our own pay raises and had a duty and an obligation to stick around and take our punishment from the citizens at the podium courageous enough not to put up with our shxxt!
And this is just the true stuff! Wait till we get to the parody!!!
Saturday, February 4, 2017
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» My Struggle: Memoirs of a Gay Undertaker by Freddy N. Anonymous, Jr.
My Struggle: Memoirs of a Gay Undertaker by Freddy N. Anonymous, Jr.
By Information Central February 04, 2017