Sunday, August 30, 2020

Donald Trump IS the Coronavirus of Politics; Accepts no Responsibility for Taking the Wrecking Ball to America and Blames Someone Not Even in Office YET! Key word: YET

Vladmir Putin Using his Stooge, Trump, but would NEVER allow Trump to be part of his Kremlin Cabinet

The Parallels between Trump's Mark Meadows and Breanna's David Rodrigues couldn't be is bad for our country, the other is bad for Medford

Bastard Mark Meadows, so much like S.O.B. David Rodrigues...Medford deserves better.

Meadows serving his master by lying can't blame him I guess. Meadows knows very little about the law. The Heart of the law is MERCY.

Mark Meadows is delusional. He is getting a bonus in HIS pay check. Live Smart and Stay Safe