Friday, October 22, 2021

Jimmy Lyons Better Start Praying to Sister Yolanda...or Saint Yolanda

5:57 pm All Time  2026500  Today  849   Yesterday  865

 Become a nun, turn into a saint, but can Jolanta - alias Blessed Yolanda - walk on water???

Religious work[edit]

Following Boleslaus' death, Yolanda and Kinga, along with one of Yolanda's daughters, Anna, retired to the Poor Clare monastery that Kinga had founded in Sandez. Forced to relocate due to armed conflict in the region, Yolanda founded a new monastery in Gniezno. She was persuaded to become abbess of the community of nuns shortly before her death.


She has been declared a candidate for sainthood. Her sisters, Kinga and Margaret, have already been canonized.