Monday, October 25, 2021

School Committee Protests in California. Will it Happen in Medford?

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'Very disturbing and 

unsettling': School board 

meeting protest in 

California gets out of control

A group called "Let Them Breathe" has organized 

more than 90 protests at California school board meetings, 

including one where the protestors voted themselves in as 

the new school board.

NPR's Anya Kamenetz reports.

This segment airs on October 25, 2021. Audio will be 

available after the broadcast.   ASMA KHALID, HOST:

I'm sure you've heard - across the country, 

protesters have been disrupting school board meetings over masks, vaccines and 

the teaching of American history. 

The problem has gotten so widespread 

that the attorney general is directing 

the FBI to help. But as NPR's 

Anya Kamenetz reports, 

what happened at a school board meeting in California last month is 

far beyond what's been seen anywhere else.

ANYA KAMENETZ, BYLINE: The Poway Unified School District in San Diego County 

was planning a pretty typical school 

board meeting this September - 

hearing reports from student representatives, honoring their teachers of the year. 

Because of the pandemic, the general 

public is asked to join and comment 

via livestream, but that hasn't 

stopped protesters from showing up in person. 

Darshana Patel is a member of the board.

DARSHANA PATEL: The Let Them Breathe, anti-CRT, recall Governor Newsom - they're kind of a catch-all group of protesters. It wasn't the first time that they were there. They had been there several meetings in a row.

KAMENETZ: Anti-CRT means opposed 

to critical race theory, 

which has become the rallying cry 

for right-wing objections to how 

race and history are taught in schools. 

And Let Them Breathe is a 

California-based group opposed 

to masks and vaccine mandates.