Friday, October 22, 2021

Trump calls Jimmy Lyons "A Wonderful Guy" How Fxxxng Sick is that?


As part of his anti-Baker effort, Lyons recently helped persuade Donald Trump to endorse the gubernatorial candidacy of Geoff Diehl, a one-time Democrat who served four terms as a GOP state rep from Whitman, lost a 2018 US Senate bid, and is now an employee of 1A Auto. Sound familiar? That’s the online auto-parts outfit of Rick Green, the state committee’s finance chairman, a close ally of Lyons, and another bitter anti-Baker conservative.

“As you know, the head of the Republican Party, who I think is a terrific guy . . . said, we have a wonderful candidate that he thinks will do very well,” Trump recounted recently to local talk radio host and Trump acolyte Howie Carr, explaining why he is backing Diehl.