Thursday, September 5, 2013

120,904 hits! Two sets of rules for TV3 Medford

TV3 is going down.

Arthur Deluca puts the last gasps on Patch, but it is too little, too late for Deluca's lies

Bill Gilman (Editor) September 05, 2013 at 11:05 AM
Arthur DeLuca has requested tio make clarifications relative to some of the facts asserted in this blog. According to DeLuca, "there are no sealed court documents on this, no court case at all involved. The City knows why we left and Joe knows this as well. He's been told by me several times and if he's bothered to ask the City though one of his Public records Requests, he knows from them too. Nothing shady or suspect at all with why we left. If you need to know, I'll write it for you. Just is just throwing shit up on his blog, shit that siunds official and is designed to make us look bad. Joe acts as if the whole City is screaming touse TV3 to talk about the election. It's just himself and a few friends of his. In fact he claims th eboard can't talk politics because the corporation is a 501C3 (it is, but that just stops the corporation from talking politics, members can do what they want). When someone joins TV3 (as they must to use it) they are actually joining the 501C3; that's how the contract is set up. So "all these people" who he claims are being kept off TV3. would be members of the 501C3 just as the board is. They would be no more able to make political statements than the board would. If the board can't do it, then neither can any of the other members. yet Joe thinks there are two sets of rules."