Wow, and here you thought that the good doctor was superintendent of the high school!
Since Chief Buckley is oh so masterful with his juvenile delinquent kindergarten class, a.k.a. forty 15 year old white kids masquerading as Black Lives Matter, we have Dr. Edouard Vincent, she who allegedly replaced alleged CORI checker Erin Nestor (married to the anti-christ, Mike Nest0r, with a ZERO for the "o" in his name) ...replaced Aunty Erin with Ab Bra Ca Dabra or whatever the hell his name was before he too was allegedly frog-marched out of the high school quicker than you can say, well, "Erin Nestor."
David Conehead: And who the fxxxx is this Mr. Abracadabra Ab DOURahmane D. Ba!
Leanna: Ba! Humbug, damned if I know, maybe that's why Erin got booted for having a Bob Covelle moment or something
Buckley will teach his third grade class in the basement of City Hall. Wonder if an alleged ex Attorney General and ex District Attorney still has her campaign signs allegedly (and allegedly illegally) still parked in the city hall basement?
Send all complaints to Michael J. McGlynn, who is in hiding on an island somewhere off of the coast of Costa Rica
Buckley can use the campaign signs to teach Massachusetts history. Then again, why are the signs purportedly (and allegedly) in Medford city hall instead of the basement of Ashburton Place?
Guess Mr. Camuso isn't the only quid pro quo in town? Naahhhh, he's just the symptom, it's business as usual and Breanna is caught in the quicksand with no way out. Talk about the purest case of self-sabotage. Makes a drunken ex city councilor who could have been mayor actually seem to be a player. But the citizens have been played, and it is Breanna Lungo-Koehn who played them.
this is a parody of course. If only it were all true...on second thought, maybe it is?
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