Saturday, December 25, 2021

Purchase of Full DVD of Dec 7, 2021 Council Meeting

Medford Information Central : an amalgam of strength, reputation, and commitment to ethical principles.


TO: City Clerk's Office

Hello Jennifer,

I would like to purchase the full video of the council meeting.
On the VOD (Video on Demand) it is truncated.

Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn ran on TRANSPARENCY

In a spirit of Transparency I would like to have the full DVD as Adam Knight illegally called my paper "out of order" and made some clumsy remark that my paper wasn't "legal."

It was about the outrageous practice of city councilors
voting for their own pay raise.

I believe that the council's failure to provide voters
with information like this is fraudulent, certainly deceptive, and indicates possible malfeasance.

Kindly let me purchase the full video.  I believe the fee is $5.00


Joe Viglione