Saturday, November 3, 2012

God Bless Pasqual November 4, 2007

REMEMBERING PASQUAL! He was Medford's Grandpa. He was bullied and defamed and the Mayor did nothing. Remember Pasqual  Nov. 4, 2007 It's been FIVE YEARS since the passing of our good friend Pasqual These Golden Memories are for you, Pat.  In the Immortal Words of Ricardo Montalban "I SHALL AVENGE YOU!" ...

Monday, October 8, 2012

Pt 1 & Pt 2 - The Dalai Lama visits Medford

OCTOBER 16! “We are beyond delighted that His Holiness the Dalai Lama will again be visiting Kurukulla Center and thereby fulfilling one of Geshe Tsulga’s dying wishes,” says Geshe Tenley, who was recently awarded the Key to the City by Medford Mayor Michael J. McGlynn. “We believe that this visit will bring blessings to everyone: neighbors, the people of Boston and...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Dalai Lama live at Raso's Grille, Medford Massachusetts

RASO'S TO HOST THE DALAI LAMA! Story by Nell Escobar-Jokely Dan Hurley:  Your Holiness, Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yesh Tenzin Gyatso, gee it's so good to see you... Dalai Lama: My religious name is Tenzin Gyatso, but you can call me Dalai, Dan! Dan Hurley: Dalai Dan, that's funny, my name is Dan too!  Are you any relation to the Black Dahlia? We have a Medford Historical Society monument for her on Salem Street Dalai...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Johnny Pesky, Larry Lucchino, Curt Schilling, Jerry Remy

Lucchino defends players who skipped Pesky Memorial Red Sox [team stats] president Larry Lucchino this morning defended his team for the small turnout at Johnny Pesky’s funeral earlier this week, saying it was “unnecessary to focus on that issue.” “I think the people who knew Johnny best came to it,” Lucchino told WEEI’s Dennis & Callahan

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Cat People! A David Bowie movie!

GREAT COMMENT ON ONE OF THE STORIES: Tommy Langley · Edmond, Oklahoma MY CAYS KEEP ME FROM THINKING OF KILLING MY SELF. Reply · 35 · Have you seen the ridiculous stories of Cat Ladies and suicide? 'Cat ladies' likelier to commit suicide  Jul 3, 2012, 03.46PM IST A common parasite that is found in the cat litter box may...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Stats are coming back to life!

We've changed our URL Address But our reporting is going to be 1)MORE HARD-HITTING 2)MORE TIMELY  3)MORE INFORMATIVE Medford residents rely on an important news source not part of McGlynn's Media Blackout MMB McGlynn Brothers Transportation Agency, the MBTA, is our next big issue Stay tuned.   _______________________________________ READ THIS STORY ON MITT ROMNEY! SOUNDS LIKE A FEW PEOPLE IN MEDFORD, DOES IT NOT? . Romney, the...

Friday, June 29, 2012


VINDICATION  The truth shall be revealed...and soon...       COPYRIGHT (C) 2012 INFORMATION CENTRAL    All Rights Reserved Information Central  Your...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Medford Housing Authority Video from Apirl 18, 2012

The Medford Housing Authority Meeting of April 18, 2012

Saturday, June 2, 2012

McGlynn mentioned on WEEI on June 1, 2012

Listen to McGlynn joked about on the Whiner Line Mayor McGlynn is a shadow of his former self.  Did you hear the McGlynn criticism on WEEI  - 850 AM and 93.7 FM?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


 The Oedipus Effect Seventeen employees were laid off, according to Phoenix Media/Communications Group executive editor Peter Kadzis. The station, which had 21 employees -- 9 full-time and 12 part-time -- now has three full-timers and one part timer. WFNX, which was founded in 1983, has been one of the last independent radio stations in the Boston market, catering to a new music niche. But Mindich indicated in his memo that the ratings...

Friday, May 11, 2012


Investigative journalists view the muckrakers as early influences and a continuation of WATCHDOG JOURNALISM! THIS BLOG SERVES THE PUBLIC INTEREST! ...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Medford Patch Gives Credit To The Investigative Journalist/Reporter

Patrick asked Covelle to resign through a letter from Aaron Gornstein, his housing undersecretary, on Thursday, citing the findings of the federal audit. Patrick also replaced his appointment to the authority's commission Eugene McGillicuddy with Sean Caron. McGillicuddy is related to McGlynn through marriage, he said during a housing meeting in April after being asked about his relationship to McGlynn by Medford resident and videographer...