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Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Community Media for EVERYONE 101,385 hits 1:34 PM
By Information Central May 28, 2013
101,385 1:34 PM
Medford's community media station has been hijacked by four individuals.
Allegedly, Arthur Alan Deluca isn't even allowed to vote as a board member, and might even be getting additional pay to "program" the station along with alleged "free membership for life", Christmas bonus "Bomber jacket" (allegedly) and alleged free bus passes.
When Mayor McGlynn shirks his responsibility to the people...
Commonwealth of Mass. Constitution and Public Access TV rights in Medford Massachusetts
By Information Central May 28, 2013
101,361 11:36 AM
On our way to One Hundred and Two Thousand!
The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts protects our Access TV rights in the City of Medford, Mass.
Access TV
Article XVI. [The liberty of the
press is essential to the security of freedom in a state: it ought not,
therefore, to be restrained in this commonwealth.] [See Amendments,...
Monday, May 27, 2013
Nevada Public-access TV director gets jail time
By Information Central May 27, 2013
Public-access TV director gets jail time
Every weekend for the next 90 weeks Craig Swope will serve a 180-day
jail sentence for embezzling nearly $500,000 from Carson Access
Television where he was director, a judge determined Wednesday."I want
you to remember every week what you did to those folks," said Judge
Norman Robison in suspending a five-year prison sentence in...
CHICAGO - Cable-access Aide Faces Embezzlement Hearing
By Information Central May 27, 2013
101,198 at 6:15 PM
Cable-access Aide Faces Embezzlement Hearing
April 3, 1995
(This is when the editor was cleaning up two access stations up north. The suspicious Paul A. Camuso tried to kill the messenger on 5/21; he failed. Camuso said "That's not what they said!" Who's "they?" Are you going to believe the Pizza Delivery Boy with the failed limo service or your own eyes!!!!! )
the former...
alleged THEFT at Austin Texas Access TV
By Information Central May 27, 2013
An arrest warrant has been issued for the former director of Austin's
community access cable TV stations, who is accused of stealing more than
$350,000 from the city-supported nonprofit.
Villarreal stole the money by making 94
unauthorized withdrawals from the Austin Community Access Center's
accounts from January 2000 to September 2004.
Villarreal had not been arrested
late Thursday and could not be reached for comment....
Letter to Chief Sacco Monday, May 27, 2013 5:42 PM
By Information Central May 27, 2013
Monday, May 27, 2013 5:42 PM
Dear Chief Sacco:I respectfully request that you look into the
recent Fall River TV embezzlement charges brought by the Bristol County
Assistant District Attorney Patrick O.
Bomberg, along with state police and Rehoboth police Detective Brian
Ramos.Please bring this to the attention of Marian Ryan, the new Middlesex District Attorney.
The November 2012 Connecticut case involving access TV
Fall River TV Embezzlement, April 2013
By Information Central May 27, 2013
Rehoboth public TV exec arraigned on embezzlement charges
Read more:
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The 77-year-old Rehoboth man accused of embezzling more than $110,000
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Uncle Bob Is Going DOWN!
By Information Central May 09, 2013
More dirt on Maiocco to be unleashed.
96,002 hits at 12:45 am May 9, 2013
and it is going to be oh oh for Uncle Bob!
Just wait!
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Information Central
Your REAL EYE on Medford tm
Friday, May 3, 2013
Understanding P/E/G Access - and what the public can expect
By Information Central May 03, 2013
Public, Educational, and Governmental Access Channels ("PEG Channels")
Pursuant to Section 611 of the Communications Act, local
franchising authorities may require cable operators to set aside
channels for public, educational, or governmental ("PEG") use.
Public access channels are available for use by the general
public. They are usually administered either by the cable operator or
by a third party designated...
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Going to the Authorities on the Mayor - Public Records Request on TV3 still not replied to by McGlynn...McGlynn playing games with P/E/G monies
By Information Central May 01, 2013
8344 hits in the past 30 days
93,803 hits as of 8:27 AM May 1, 2013
93,750 at 11:08 PM 53 hits on the overnight!
MAYOR QUITS RACE!May 1, 2013 (see below)
With allegations of at least one disreputable employee in the office of Sheriff Koutoujian, after the despicable activities of the crooked Jimmy DiPaola were uncovered, now comes the failure of Michael J. McGlynn to be honest with...