Sunday, May 31, 2015

It's Just An Act

340,555 all-time page views @ 6:43 pm 340,592 @ 8:00 pm  1 hr 17 - 37 hits 340,742 @ 11:41 pm  150 hits in 3 hours, 41min Mad McGlynn allegedly BARRED from holding elected office ever again! McGlynn has UGLIFIED Medford SOURCES SAY McGlynn would NEVER have stepped down if it actually were "LEADERSHIP THAT WORKS" Allegations that the Feds DEMANDED McGlynn notify...

McGlynn Reportedly In Trouble: Sources say McGlynn might have pushed his luck

340,456 @ 3:22 pm  88 hits in 3 hours 12 minutes (88 hits in 192 minutes) 340,368 @ 12:10 PM 340,344 all-time page views  11:07 am May 31 340,124 @ 2:11 am May 31 220 hits in 9 hours! on the overnight FAREWELL TO MIKE MCGLYNN multiple reliable sources   "He's in trouble" "McGlynn is yesterday's news" "He must have pissed someone off!"   Amazing and quite shocking allegations... if one or all are true it will be front...

New England Baptist Church /

340,117 hits as of 1:25 am 340,124 @ 2:11 am 30,559  hits past 30 days ______________________________________________________________________ Q: What do you call it when Pastor Michael and Mrs. Michael have seven children and 15 grandchildren? A: Over compensation  The New England Baptist Church actually initiated the hate at TV3 Medford.  A "Deacon" with the initials B.C. (Before Christ) still hasn't received the Lord.   B.C....

Saturday, May 30, 2015

New York, New York

339,753 Book Exposition in New York all photos by JV (C)2015 all rights reserved.  OK, so the exposition was in New York, not Boston...we just didn't want Dr. Rabies stalking us. FILE UNDER: THE MAYOR IN THE SPIDER'S WEB   _____________________ The spaces with publishers from Saudi Arabia and China were massive, there were publishers from Italy...publishers...

Friday, May 29, 2015

Doctor vs Doctor, Spy vs Spy Council Agenda to Post Later

339,357 all-time pages 339,402 @4:29 pm 339,455 @ 6:55 pm 53 in  2 hrs 25 minutes 339.507 @ 8:43 pm 509 hits yesterday Medford City Council Meeting 6-2-2015 and Committee of the Whole Budget Meeting 6-2-2015 to post later. Julie has Dr. Rabies The Editor with Dr. Ruth Westheimer at a secret location...ABOUT 215 miles from the Expo... photo by...