Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Camuso foot deeply in mouth during budget

374,005 @ 11;27 pm 363,975. 11:08 pm What a moron Then when Camuso tried to speak about access TV. He was. Shut down.  And mentioned the editors nam...

Only 15 people at city hall. For budget

373.918.  9:53...

Live from the City Council / Dr Wood on the Bridge

373,847  @ 8:09 pm 373,723 @ 4:09 pm   124 in 4 hours - 31 per hour!  A page-view every 2 minutes! _________________________________ Paul Camuso says Winchester took 2-3 years. Prove it, Prevaricator Paul Prove it. Which Bridge, Paul? http://homenewshere.com/daily_times_chronicle/news/winchester/article_34bf44ac-bf09-11e2-934a-001a4bcf887a.html Smartass Dr. Wood clumsily speaking with his usual arrogance...and loudness...eek! _____________________________________ Robert...

DeBeneDITTO allegedly wants to run for State Rep again

373,699 373,723 @ 4:09 pm DeBenedetto allegedly wants to run for State Rep, but she's running for School Committee. What is wrong with this picture? Talk about not doing the job but looking for greener pastures. Erin, see if you can run for State Rep without being on the school committee...

Official Disclaimer

373,692 all-time page views Dear Readers, Remember, this is a "delusional blog" according to the City Solicitor, in court, under oath, and with a judge (a nice judge at that) agreeing with the solicitor IN Superior Court. ____________________________________ That being said, all cronies at Medford City Hall who you might think are allegedly on the hot seat, and the word allegedly factors in big here, are all innocent until proven guilty in a court...

Citizens Need Information

We are so tired of sanctimonious Paul Camuso telling us one thing, but nothing about his background. Before Camuso speaks at tonight's Council Meeting, the citizens deserve a statement from the outgoing councilor on his past.  Preferential treatment from specific board members of TV3, according to one source, always on a Friday night show, which was operated by a board member....

Is Sheriff Koutoujian DEFICIENT in running background checks?

373,632   HEY LADY (individual commenting on the escapees)  CLINTON CORRECTIONAL isn't the only facility, allegedly, where reprobates run the asylum! http://news.yahoo.com/convicted-killer-thought-fellow-escape-slowing-him-down-042244192.html# Sally 4 minutes ago 0 2 ...

Law Department has no letters from FBI

373,609 The Law Department is not in possession of any correspondence from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In fact, I cannot recall ever having received any correspondence from the FBI at any time in the years I have worked at City Hall. Mark E. Rumley City Solicitor Medford City Hall 85 George P. Hassett Drive Medford, MA 02155 Telephone 781-393-2470 Fax 781-393-2410 email: markrumley@medford.org...


373,598  all-time page views 11:38 am 373,572 @ 10:35 am 26 in 63 minutes AND YOU THOUGHT THE HOST OF ZAPPTV WAS THE ONLY INDIVIDUAL THAT HAD ALLEGED LEGAL TROUBLES  DIRECTLY LINKED ALLEGEDLY TO MEDFORD CITY HALL! _______________________________________  Yet another source has come forward today stating that ALLEGEDLY two million dollars appears to be missing from the XXXXXX system and two city officials have been asked to step...

Knight/Kamuso Konspiracy @ Elks Club???

373,554 all-time hits, 10:13 am 373,572 @ 10:35 am  18 in 22 minutes ___________________________________________________________ While our fractured city has potholes and empty storefronts, what are two classless fools, Adam Knight and Paul Camuso allegedly talking about at the Elk's Club near my home? That's right, they are talking about this magazine. Two of the three clowns of the Medford City Council aren't out there doing the people's...

Monday, June 29, 2015

Respect and Dignity for all people? Not at the Disrespectful Medford City Council

373,372 @ 11;06 pm 373,400 @ 11:17 pm  28 hits in  11 minutes 138 since 8 PM Dear Resident, The urgency of removing Fred Dello Russo, Jr. and Adam Knight from office, and from keeping out of office Paul Camuso, Stephanie Muccini-Burke and Mike McGlynn cannot be more clear. Pay to park, empty storefronts at Salem Street and Fellsway, a dimly lit Medford Square, just an awful situation the effect of which has a cause: McGlynn Dello...

Poisonous. Adam. Knight. Too toxic for. Medford

373,320 all time. 9:20 pm 373,372 @ 11;06 pm  52 hits in 1hr 46 minutes 780 yesterday Residents must be protected from the trickery and deceit Of those unethical 3 Council...

Camuso on Access TV - with foot firmly in mouth

Dear Resident, The Mayor has  over three hundred thousand dollars in monies paid for by cable tv subscribers in escrow.  Mayor McGlynn intentionally is holding back public access for election 2015. The Mayor asked for proposals for the new access station and received one, from Community Media Medford, my company, which is now a business in the city of Medford filed at the office of the city clerk. This Tuesday the outgoing...


373,157 @ 5:42 pm YOUR ELECTION GUIDE http://medfordinformationcentral.blogspot.com/2015/06/0keefe-to-run-for-city-council-good.html YOUR ELECTION GUIDE http://medfordinformationcentral.blogspot.com/2015/06/0keefe-to-run-for-city-council-good.html YOUR ELECTION GUIDE http://medfordinformationcentral.blogspot.com/2015/06/0keefe-to-run-for-city-council-good.html City Council Agenda June 30, 2015 360,096  @ 1:34 pm Agenda...

Best Kamuso quote of the month!!!

You can hear the doggies in K-9 barking out in unison: “Hasta la vista, Pauly" WOOF WOOF(that's seconding the motion!) WOOD WOOD!(that's the sound of a cranky old bat's cane tapping the floor twice, agreeing with us, finally...

126 days to election day! This is what the McGlynn Dynasty has resulted in ---CHANGE

373,093 all-time page views  373,116 @ 4:15 pm People running for office because they see a chance for change ... The McGlynn Dynasty is over McGlynn, Paul Camuso, a thing of the past. This is going to hurt the campaign of and politically damage Stephanie Muccini-Burke She tied her wagon to the wrong individual, the highly unpopular lame-duck Mayor  We like...


Adam Knight barely made it on to the Council in 2013. Knight disgraced himself as a greedy bastard who failed to put serious motions on the Agenda, praising citizens like a circus barker. Now the bastard has some real competition. Adam Knight had approximately 40k to run, but never faced a popular George Scarpelli or a popular Attorney Bill O'Keefe, or a popular Falco John! This...


ONE HUNDRED twenty-six DAYS TO ELECTION DAY CLICK HERE:  as of june 29, 2015HTTP://WWW.TIMEANDDATE.COM/COUNTDOWN/GENERIC?ISO=20151103T00&P0=43&MSG=MEDFORD+ELECTION+2015+NOVEMBER+3%2C+2015 Thank you to http://jimmymorse.com   save me a trip over to City Hall today!!! http://jimmymorse.com/electionmedford2015.html Photo used by PERMISSION ...

Transcript Revisionist History under Nell Coakley

373,047 Critical statement at Council not published in Transcript per orders of her highness Nell EscMcGlynn Coakley!  HA HA...she does it again!!! http://medford.wickedlocal.com/article/20150629/NEWS/150627063 Medford City Council puts $155M city budget on hold But three councilors wanting to delay a vote — Council Vice President Breanna Lungo-Koehn and ...