Saturday, March 31, 2018

RC. Russia drops Caraviello over Syria

The war is over. The Syrian people fled when a blob dropped out of the Russian aircraft Caraviello gets up and started giving a speech as if he were duly elected rather than elected by telephone calls secretly placed by some Medford councilors.  . The Syrians demanded a translator but were told Caraviello certainly isn’t speaking Englidh...Caraviello-speak for engl...

Kids DEMAND Easter truce between Brian and Stephanie???

And reportedly they aren’t fighting over the spirit of Christmas lights at City hall for Eastrr More like liquid spirits sources tell...

The Resurrection of Access TV in Medford

res·ur·rec·tion ˌrezəˈrekSH(ə)n/ noun the action or fact of resurrecting or being resurrected ...

TV3. Go and Sin No More

1,175,281 6:07 pm March 31 An Eastrr Command to former station manager, Maria Jesus:  “Go!  And sin no more” Big Steve. “I can Sin because I am saved” Like a now deleted email Who do you believe ‘‘tis Easter!? The fallen admitted sinner from TV3 Or the Risen L...

Friday, March 30, 2018

Russia Tests New ICBM

1,174,965@9:57 pm Idiot Caraviello Boring Mo...

Caraviello Angry Over Loss in Criminal Court

1,174,929 8:30 pm Caraviello’s hatred of Citizens could result in editor’s death The Council President LIED to the police, allegedly lied in court And Caraviello’s false charges were dismissed The victim,Jie Viglione, fears for his lif...

The Medford Star Chamber - the impending death of a journalist

How do you vote in the Star Chamber? The Vote is to KILL Joe Viglione on Easter Weekend How do you vote: Stephanie Burke:  AYE Paul J. Donato:  AYE Mark E. Rumley:  AYE AYE Police Chief Sacco: Aye Paul Covino: AYE Linda Coletti:  AYE Richard F. Caraviello: AYE Racquel Frisadi, A.D.A.:  KILL HIM George Scarpelli:  AYE John Falco:  He called...

Editor Feels Like He's Been SHOT IN THE BACK

For all the good I have done for this city, I feel like the powers that be have shot me in the back. Post Nation Chief Sacco should just take his pistol out and put a bullet between the eyes of Joe Viglione Sacco is such a coward, the snake can't do it to your will come when I least expect it...they will shoot the publisher of this important news outlet in the back ...and they will get away with it, Sheriff DiPaola, Teddy...

Allegedly, Mayor Burke Swept Alleged Sex Crime Under Rug - CONFLICT -

BLOCKBUSTER As the rumors swirl around all sorts of teacher misconduct at Medford High School, including allegations of an employee with mothers of students AND a teacher with a powerful politician's daughter, one wonders what kind of cover up is going on, if any, and if it involves: Police Chief Leo A. Sacco, Jr. Superintendent Roy Belson Former Mayor McGlynnCurrent Mayor...

Linda Coletti BACK AT #1 Your Friday Top 10 in Medford

1,174,825 @ 3:20 pm  RUMOR OF THE DAY Jeanine Camuso PASSED OVER for AD... Mar 24, 2018   The Ballad of Dan and Breanna Mar 25, 2018   The Linda Coletti Saga: JUST POSTED ON FACEBOOK PA... Mar 24, 2018   Are they planning to KILL the Editor of this Blog.... Mar 25, 2018   After Radio Show today, How Leo A....

April 3 2018 City Council Meeting Agenda Tuesday 4-3-18

1,174,825 @ 3:20 pm  ___________________________________ ____________________________________3:20 pm Pageviews today 409 Pageviews yesterday 422 Pageviews last month 14,579 Pageviews all time history 1,174,825...

Thursday, March 29, 2018

IF Breanna and Dan have a BABY!

1,174,566 @ 10:30 pm 150 page views, 150 8 pm IN MEDFORD CHIEF SACCO, SUPERINTENDENT BALSON AND THEN DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL MUCCINI-BURKE WOULD THROW THE TEACHER A PARTY! In Ohio the mother "suspected something," in Medford they just send the teacher packing!  HA HA...too gross to be funny... Then, in June 2015, the boy’s mother started to...