Sunday, June 30, 2019

Varsity Coach Dismissed June 30, 2015, Sex Crime Allegedly Swept Under the Rug

1,361,476 @ 1:33 pm   happy anniversary Mr. Varsity Coach June 30, 2015 you were dismissed from Medford High School...we call that the "Ron Delucia Special!"  Good riddance to bad rubbish!! HA! Did you have sex with that young girl, Mr. Varsity Coach? By George! Yet I fail to see how Lacrosse and other sports can get along so well!!!! The BIGGEST SEX SCANDAL of 2015 should have been exposed. What was Mayor Burke's Involvement in the...

Charge Former Mayor Burke with Depraved Indifference

1,361,460 @ 12:36 pm Sent to Police Chief Buckley Former Mayor Stephanie Muccini-Burke 85 Geo P Hassett Drive Medford MA 02155 Mrs Burke, in 127 days soon to be former mayor, her failure to comply with the Open Meeting Law (Chapter 74 Board) is a crooked liar attacking the city council vice president that the mayor should be working with, not against. Mrs. Burke is in the business of making enemies.  She doesn't reach out to anyone....

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Probable Cause: Investigate Stephanie Muccini-Burke for Manipulation...She Being Manipulated by McGlynn, that is...

1,361,309 @ 8:30 pm   Say what you want about me, I speak my mind, I can sleep at night. Adam Knight...what a moron! Good thing the Madame has those outside resources because the stuff I hear on my phone about that dirty rat, it is as graphic as Madame walking alongside Matt Page Lieberman. People know Caraviello is dumb and dumber, and they dislike him. They know Freddy Dello Russo is a layabout But Madame Knight evokes real hatred from...

My Young Republican Friend and I Having a "Little Disagreement" As Whoopi Goldberg Would Put It

1,361,264 @ 5:30 pm    138,736 to one and a half million page views we shall be there by ELECTION DAY NOV 5!  HA HA MARK RUMLEY   HA HA.....___________________________________ My young buddy is 24, about to get married, and doesn't get it...THAT EMPLOYERS LOOK AT TWITTER AND FACEBOOK TO EVALUATE TEMPERAMENT...and, yes, Mr. Rumley, SPELLING! While i acknowledge you as a person hold no personably reaponsibility...

128 Days for Waste Management to Remove Mrs. Burke, Mr. Rumley Etc.

1,361,195 @ 11:38 am countdown to ecstasy! Waste Management Threatening Additional FUMIGATION FEES to get rid of the crooked, creepy Muccini-Burke administration 128 Days for Waste Management to Remove Mrs. Burke, Mr. Rumley Etc.

Transgender KNight is what One Resident Called Madama Knight

A local resident said that after Madame Knight's stunt at the city council to benefit the mayor, we should change his title to Transgender Knight. I agree. Kind of like On the Fence Caraviello but the hypocrisy runs skin deep for Madame Transgender So if Adam Knight is transitioning from male to Madame to female, Freddy Dello Russo Jr., by extension, will be going both ways!...

Breanna Lungo-Koehn Newsletter Saturday Jun 29 at 8:50 AM

Just Like Muccinni-Burke Did with Chapter 74 Board   Jun 29 at 8:50 AM Friend -- This past Thursday, Mayor Burke’s campaign distributed the Mayor first campaign mailing soliciting support for her reelection. With deep pockets from outside interests, she’s trying to shape a narrative of her record that differs from the experiences I hear from Medford...

Friday, June 28, 2019

1,361,020 6:27 pm

1,361,020 all-time page views One Million, Three Hundred Sixty-One Thousand and Twenty page views On our way to a million and a half! 38,980 to go! 'nuff said! Rumley quacking in the background... no one reads his blog no one believes him Judge Wrenn said...... Yeah, how about what you said toJudge Jackson-Thompson, Mark? You old lia...

129 days to Nov 5 Stephanie, a Murky, Nerdy Reflection of McGlynn

1,360,984 @ 3:51 pm inching closer to 1,361,000! 1,360,976 @ 3:22 pm - June 28, 2019   204 since 8 pm last night on the verge of 1,361,000  Counting the Days  = 129 to Nov 5 ...four months... their...

Jay Campbell Gone the Way of Yvette Wilks! HA HA HA...Ya Think I Had Something to Do with It????

1,360,971 @ 2:26  199 since 8 pm last night 1,360,947 @ 12:34 pm  1,360,902 10:24 am June 28, 2019 Ya think Jay and Yvette took off because of little ol' me? Maybe... Chair Jay Campbell gone from the commission? Cable Advisory Board Gabrielle Follett Sumney, 1/22/2021 Jack McGoldrick, 1/22/2022 Meetings Thank you to one of our members here on Real Medford Mass Politics on Facebook for pointing this out. \ Think I'll...

This Ought to Really Piss Them Off!

Deanna DevneyJenn Dever Wood Mayor's Office Somewhere in the Marvel Comics UniverseEmphasis on Comics _______________________________________________________________ Hi Ms. Deveney - or maybe the question should go to my pal Paul Donato: A question -  Chair Jay Campbell gone from the commission? Cable Advisory Board Gabrielle Follett Sumney, 1/22/2021 Jack McGoldrick, 1/22/2022 Meetings Thank you to one of our members...

Not Allison's top 10 - the JV Original One

1,360,857New Edition of Visual Radio taped June 27, 2019 BLOWS AWAY ANYTHING ON LAZY PAT GORDON'S CREEPY MEDFORD COMMUNITY MEDIA...where Dr. Rabies could push a wheelchair that might as well be a baby carriage! ...and 50 years ago parents were afraid of the Rolling Stones?  In 2019 the parent has to worry about the elder basher in a white wig!   Mark Rumley puts his old board member pal in as the scarecrow up at  the high school. ...