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Wednesday, January 31, 2024
MAGA Trump Psychopath Justin Mohn Chops off Head of his Father! Father's name must have been Harvey or Ron

What is really astounding is the Trump Followers who Yell at Democrats calling them, falsely, violent, while they are the creepy violent ones. He looks just like a radio host I know from Revere who allows racist comments and psycho witches from hell in his chat room!Mohn's Militia Youtube video: 'A call to arms'In a 14-1/2
minute rant against the federal...
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
GOD BLESS JUDGE MICHELE HOGANSHE HAS RETIREDAND SHE RULED AGAINST RICK CARAVIELLO, THE MEDFORD POLICE AND MACKOWSIhttps://masslawyersweekly.com/judicial-profiles/hogan-michele-b/https://trellis.law/judge/michele.b.hogan Hon. Michele Hogan
District Court Judge
District Court
Middlesex County
Monday, January 29, 2024
From left to right: Councilor Matt Leming, Councilor Justin Tseng, Vice President Kit Collins, President Isaac B. "Zac" Bears, Councilor Anna Callahan, Councilor George Scarpelli, Councilor Emily Lazzaro

Note to the City Council: I always go to gay nightclubs with handsome men, it reflects wonderfully on me. When you hang out with Zac Bears and George Scarpelli, you look fat! And the camera lens does you no favors.From left to right: Councilor Matt Leming, Councilor Justin Tseng, Vice President Kit Collins, President Isaac B. "Zac" Bears, Councilor Anna Callahan,...
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Thursday, January 25, 2024
With MCI Concord Gone where will Howie Carr be broadcasting from

With MCI Concord Gone where will Howie Carr be broadcasting from WRKO-AM 6801 Cabot RoadSuite 320Medford, MA 02155RE: State is closing MCI-Concord, Dear WRKO,as of 11:10 am our Medford Information Central hasAll Time 2,750,386 page views, only 850 today (in about 20 years, same as Howie's sentence)https://medfordinformationcentral.blogspot.com/2024/01/with-mci-concord-gone-where-will-howie.html We...
A Joe Viglione Editorial: Biden Has Already Won in 2024

Editorial by Joe ViglioneThe national elections are going to swamp our airwaves. 1)Joe Biden crushed the competition in NH and was not even on the ballot. While Trump was losing votes from Republicans and has no competitors, the Republican brand is so tainted, Progressive Democrats, Independents and some Republicans realize a good thing when they see it. Jobs are...
Monday, January 22, 2024
TV 3 Medford Gone 11 Years Now
So you weren't able to balance your checkbook after watching the creepy MATH MAN? Saying he'd be "damned" if you let us take TV3 away from them? (we did!)DID A BANKRUPT MONEY MANAGER attempt to get you to spend 5 bucks on his seminar?The fat station manager too obnoxious on his Friday Night Filth Fest?Awaiting the incarceration of Dr. Rabies?Do you miss Dawn...
Friday, January 19, 2024
Everett TV Reopened Jan 18, Meanwhile PEG TV in Medford is Useless with Kevin Duck Boat Driver

TV opened yesterday Jan 18 2024 New shows coming Jimmy Spadorcia
writes on my front page "Looks like the Medford TV studios-LMFAO" and I
write: Jimmy Spadorcia actually, it doesn't. This Everett
station actually works unlike Breanna TV, All Breanna All the Time Why
is Breanna taking over the public channel, thinking she is Patty Duke
or the Flying...
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Did You Miss Rick Caraviello's 70th Birthday Bastard=Bash A Parody Coming Soon
The Fat Guy Turns 70\Retired fat slob cop Paul MacKowski to gouge all the cake and frostingstay tuned....it's really funnyFrizzyadi Racquel to sue Caraviello over not getting a pi...
Joseph this is urgent: Urge Congress to leave Social Security OUT of any proposal to reduce the nation’s debt. Send a message ASAP >>
I am one of your constituents, and I’m asking you to keep Social Security out of any discussions on the national debt. Social Security is not a driver of the national debt. It is self-financed. Unlike government programs that receive funding through general revenue, Social Security is a separate, pay-as-you-go system financed directly by payroll tax contributions from American workers and their employers.We pay into Social Security based on...
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Tonight's program at the Medford Public Library has been cancelled! Please check back in the Spring for a rescheduled date

Tonight's program at the Medford Public Library has been cancelled! Please check back in the Spring for a rescheduled date 2,720,661 all time page views as of 12:03 pm Tuesday January 16, 2024 Tonight's program at the Medford Public Library has been cancelled! Please check back in the Spring for a rescheduled date. https://medfordinformationcentral.blogspot.com/2024/01/tonights-program-at-medford-public.html...
Monday, January 15, 2024
I personally would be embarrassed to support a Vivek Ramaswamy, Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump. What a list of losers and criminal-types.
I personally would be embarrassed to support a Vivek Ramaswamy, Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump. What a list of losers and criminal-types. Chris Christie and his intentional traffic jam? There is no Republican party with their dishonest Mitch McConnnell and his admittedly weak candidates, Majorie Taylor Green, Jim "Gym" Jordan, Dick Cheney, it is chaos and disaster, George Santos!!!! [https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/12/12/george-santos-possible-plea-deal-gingras-tsr-vpx.cnn] (https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/12/12/george-santos-possible-plea-deal-gingras-tsr-vpx.cnn) Former...
P.O. Box 2392 is GONE, the mail will be forwarded for 6 months
All Time 2,720,477 page views 10:21 am 1/15/24 Martin Luther King daymany of our confidential informants have sent missives and photos to the P.O. BoxAfter all these years, since 1977 or 1978, I have shut down the Woburn P.O. Box Dec 1, 2023.Why?the bastard Trump appointee Louis DeJoy raised our rates to $260.00 bucks a year, more than one of my storage units, because Washington St. Woburn is open 24/7 to obtain your mail.This son of a bitch,...
My Funny Emails Get People to Think, Cory Booker's emails asking for Cash are an Atrocity
I am concerned, as a lifelong Democrat, about Cory's incessant e mails asking for cash. What Mr Booker has taught me is not to become a burden to my friends with an avalanche of e mails that go directly into the trash folder. Am so tired of each and every e mail begging for money. Get a political sponsor. I was invited to a party at the House of Blues. So many people were happy to see me. I said to my cameraman "Let's get out...
Saturday, January 13, 2024
TV3 Had Violated Anti-SLAPP Laws and Lost Part of Their Frivolous Case in Court
Ron DeLucia stated to the city council he would be "damned" if we took TV 3 away from them. And we did. TRUMP LOSES ON ANTI-SLAPP VIOLATION TOO “Today’s decision shows that the state’s newly amended anti-SLAPP statute can be a powerful force for protecting press freedom,” Times spokesperson Danielle Rhoads Ha said, referring to a New York law that bars baseless lawsuits designed to silence critics. Such lawsuits are known as...
Thursday, January 11, 2024
MassInsider for Thursday, January 11th

Today on Beacon Hill
10:00am Mass. State Lottery Commission Public Hearing, Via conference call