Friday, December 6, 2013

Also sent to multiple government oversight the bcc...


Mark Rumley, City Solicitor
85 Geo P Hassett Drive
Medford, MA 02155

Dear Solicitor Rumley:

Just as I had warned you about TV3's Frank Pilleri shutting down the election in 2008, I now advise you that TV3 may not be in compliance with their alleged "dissolution" of Medford Community Cablevision, Inc.  This is highly troubling as Frank Pilleri has a long and sorry history of lying to the public in the Medford Transcript and on TV3.  You yourself called Pilleri's dishonesty "self-crafted fiction."

Is it not true that the organization is technically NOT in compliance with the dissolution process, that there's something missing - a financial review for the most recent financial report?

If so, you, as City Solicitor, need to step in and watch and inspect the individuals - the board members - who told blatant lies to the City Council of Medford in regards to the exact number of board members (a staffer said the number was 10 on May 21, 2003 to the City Council; the TV3 president said "I wanna say six" to the City Council on May 28, 2013; at a future council meeting the Medford Police had to escort Mr. Pilleri out of Alden Chambers for being disorderly, per order of Council President Robert A. Maiocco. As you know.

There is something terrible going on; fool us once, shame on you; fool us twice...   You are now on notice that the same shenanigans that TV3 utilized to shut down the election, to not comply with auditors and to - as one city councilor alleged - put the Mayor over a barrel (I'm paraphrasing the councilor who actually questioned if MCC TV3 has "something on" the Mayor) ...resulting in Mayor McGlynn showing up at 3 pizza restaurants to discuss the failed audit and the scathing report by Judge Jackson Thompson, the Mayor refusing to speak to the citizens on the matter as he promised. The Mayor also promised us on May 21, 2011 a new Cable TV Commission

which never materialized, and a 3 person panel on October 15, 2013
Earlier this month, Mayor Michael J. McGlynn announced he is forming a three-person panel to draft recommendations and guidelines for access television’s future in Medford.
McGlynn was not honest with the citizens about responding to the 15K costs of the Judge Jackson report and the audit; was not honest about the new Cable TV commission, and now, two months later, you wrote me that there is no word about the 3 person panel, though a woman allegedly is going to tv stations saying she is on this very commission you told me doesn't exist.

If anything here is not correct, please, the citizens are all ears.

There's also the problem with the $45,000.00 salary paid to an alleged staffer who worked full-time for an airline at Logan Airport.  Did that money really go to that individual when former member Mr. Jim Tuberosa claims they only paid him 16K to 20K.  Where is the other alleged 25K and - if they did this, how many years did that alleged sleight of hand with a salary go on, if the allegation is true.


Salvatore "Jim" Tuberosa of Boston said in a conference call to myself and to John Byers that he heard Harvey Alberg allegedly say, after a board meeting, that the plan was to:

a)"collapse the corporation"

b)"abscond with the monies"  
  1. 1.
    leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to avoid detection of or arrest for an unlawful action such as theft.

As we now know, MCC is one of the few access stations in the country "voluntarily dissolving" when the VP, Ron Delucia, said he would be "damned" if he would be forced out.

A June 27, 2013 Medford Transcript article notes Delucia accusing the city of "blackmail"
TV Board of Directors Vice President Ron Delucia said he thinks the city is trying to “blackmail” the station by withholding money unless TV3 changes the way it chooses board members.
“We’re told we have to change the makeup of the board, or we’re not going to get our money,” said DeLucia.
Pilleri said the station already battled over this issue with City Hall about eight to nine years ago.

On or about April Fool's Day, 2013, MCC was in violation of its agreement with the city of Medford by offering color bars and moving to a facility (32 Riverside Ave) which they allegedly knew they could not broadcast from.
This was a deceptive business practice, if done with malice and intent to defraud the citizens of Medford and violate the contract, under MGL 93A and the city should have filed an immediate complaint with the Attorney General's office and the Secretary of the Commonwealth as advised by the Honorable Judge Marie O. Jackson-Thompson (retired) in her August 5, 2009 document - a copy is provided in the following link:

I will file a public records request to see if the city complied with the judge's suggestion after the station went "off the air."  If not, it is a gross dereliction of the Issuing Authority (Michael J. McGlynn's) duty; his obligations to the citizens of Medford to safeguard our cable TV subscriber fees.

In November of 2007 I warned you that Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. was not going to hold the election you had promised the community set for January 19, 2008.  You phoned me from the December 2007 board meeting at about 8:45 PM to advise me that I was right.  This resulted in lawsuits from TV3 in retaliation, including 3 violations of the anti-SLAPP law, as ruled by the Honorable Judge Sabita Singh, followed by premature appeals that were DENIED MCC TV3 by the Honorable Judge LaMothe.

I went into court pro se and prevailed over TV3 Medford.  This was an enormous task for a common citizen to fight bullies who had harassed so many people, including the city solicitor with their "Chumley Report" - a copy of which you requested on DVD for yourself and for the Honorable Marie O. Jackson-Thomspon (retired) - which I generated for you at my expense to fulfill your request.

This is an urgent and immediate matter with hundreds of thousands of dollars not properly accounted for.  I demand you look into this immediately, turn the financial records over as I have requested in a public records request, and see why TV 3 is not in compliance, as is alleged, with the dissolution.

The citizens were cheated out of a fair election not having the public access TV our surrounding cities and towns enjoyed for election 2013.  This benefited the Mayor, but not his opponent, and certainly not the candidates for city council.

You, as City Solicitor, have a moral obligation to look into what appears to be the same nonsense as was alleged at West Medford Hillside Little League.

What is wrong with this Mayor?

The Leader of the Opposition
For those of you interested in the Public Access TV Situation in Medford, Mass. read on:

"I'm here to make sure that this TV station is the best it can be for
ourselves and for our children," said
the Honorable Judge Marie O.Jackson-Thompson (retired)