Friday, December 27, 2013

Bob Penta and Jeanne Martin discussion of TV3 May 28, 2013


"This channel is being mismanaged at such an incredible level that if $5,000.00 was missing from Bank of America, somebody would be paying for that mistake."

Jeanne Martin, City Council Candidate, 10:31 in on video

"At best, there's mismanagement."

Jeanne Martin, Council Candidate


As we re-explore the videos of 5/21 and 5/28/2013

it is even MORE clear about the "sloppy bookkeepers" of Medford Community Cablevision, Inc.     They hold themselves up to be "money managers" yet they are inept, bungling and...far worse - one candidate for council called the activities "criminal" while council-elect Adam Knight called the entire thing a "FIASCO"


On January 7th, one of the pivotal, central individuals who worked very closely with the self-appointed president, Frank Pilleri, is up on charges of a FALSE BOMB THREAT.

January 7, 2013 Woburn Superior Court
Room 530 

Cable TV subscribers are demanding JUSTICE be served. That individual also charged politicians for "video services" which equaled airtime.  IF you didn't pay the defendant he would harass, ridicule, defame and molest your name, as well as going after your family photos.

A waterfall of information is going to be brought to the City Council on Jan 7, 2014.


Where are the Unabomber and  Oklahoma Bomber Terry Nichols?

They are in a maximum security prison in Colorado.

The prison utilizes Disorientation  As a Means of SECURITY

500 men are in that prison.  Will it be 501 after January 7?