Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Bob Maiocco should give the money back! Sleazy politician is better off retiring



A major event like the booting of slimy Bob Maiocco from office (with not-so-"mini-me", suspicious nephew Kim Jong Camuso thinking he will be stepping into his uncle's seat of power) deserves a big story.  We shall not disappoint!

However, due to the respectful nature of my articles on a recently deceased music legend, writing about nutty Uncle Bob and his incredibly negative effect on our city can wait for its treatment on Patch and other sites.

The bottom line is: a vulgar old man with a skewed vision for our city - truly "delusional" as Frank Pilleri noted (gotta give the devil his due, Frankie was right on that, and we can believe the liar Pilleri only because IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE!) ...the vulgar idiot Maiocco was booted out in disgrace because of his alleged improprieties and FINES at Wells Fargo.

Boo Hoo.  Another rat bastard bites the dust. It's like picking off rotten fruit.   Tutti Frutti Uncle Bobby, hope the door hit you on the way out.

2 bottles of Coca Cola is all they needed... talk about a private invite only ceremony!


No one gives a damn about sleazy Uncle Bob Maiocco and his thirty sleazy years of pulling the wool over the eyes of Medford citizens.

What a filthy dirty rat.

Didn't have to say a word last night.  Just the presence of the man who booted uncle Bob out of the council was enough.   Just being there so that rat bastard knew who it was who exposed Bob "No standing in this community" Maiocco was enough.

Truly, Bob Maiocco HAS no standing in the community...and the rocking chair for the old has been was a perfect gift.

But wait a minute?  Didn't Dustin Hoffman say in TOOTSIE (as Tootsie) you can't be a has been if you never was?


Fade off into the sunset you old rat bastard Robert A. Maiocco.  Medford is better off without you.  


The Rat Bastard Uncle Bob said he was always fair in letting people speak!  Talk about believing his own fiction.  There are MANY PEOPLE, not just this writer, who are living proof that thin-skinned uncle Bobby couldn't take ANY criticism.  So we got him booted!  BOO HOO!

You attacked a citizen who came up to the podium.  That citizen got the last laugh on uncle Bob.   Now it is time to roll up our shirtsleeves and work on Freddy Krueger and Kim Jong Camuso.  So much to much to do...