Sunday, March 16, 2014



Better to join a town tv station sometimes, there are crackpots infiltrating the non-profit boards in some cities!

From my personal blog: 

Sheesh! She's still talking about herself and what a great job she thinks she does, like Arthur Deluca, not getting a pat on the back they desperately desire, so they give it to themselves!

Isn't it amazing when some of us do the hard work to generate good programming that there are those who are unable to facilitate public access for everyone else? Those are the individuals who took "generous Christmas bonuses" - to quote Arthur DeLuca - and gave you color bars instead of your right to Free Expression. When they scribble on Patch their nonsensical buffoonery it is a defense mechanism because they bruised their inflated self image reading that someone else does a good job helping out the community. In't it amazing that suddenly, out of nowhere, lazy egotistical board members from Medford to Malden criticize out of sheer jealousy (statement, not a question.) Just because they don't know how to pick up a camera to find a kitty or doggy a new place to live, a home with a loving family, or sacrifice their time to help someone else out! Just because their capacity for kindness is absent, residents are forced to see some wild-eyed psychopath with a dumb wig irritate the masses to stroke his own ego before a public domain movie, or some slovenly woman who takes up about 3/4's of the screen (when she can get off of her extended derrière to do something!) because she can't fit through Jenny Craig's door and her ego is more important than the community! Their egos are so inflated that they forgot being on a board of directors of a non-profit means opening the doors to the community, not to the board member that wants to control the conversation. They just don't get it. The guests - and the viewers - suffer when selfish individuals mandated to facilitate other people's shows throw rocks at the community that they are supposed to serve. At a TV station we visited yesterday there are strict rules that board members have to obey.  Going "off the reservation" and breaking rules indicates a sickness.   Access TV boards have always been a magnet for some twisted individuals who like to bully people; individuals with no decorum, with irrefutable evidence that they enjoy being insubordinate because "causing trouble" is not only their motto: it is their illness.  Sadly, on Patch, rogue board members who have a primary vision of helping themselves (you've seen 'em, the pushy lady going up to the table at the Christmas party at a station and eating all the ice cream for herself or himself, ignorant of the fact that there are members, including special needs people, who deserve that ice cream more than she or he!) or a public domain host allegedly going to the home of the faux president to grab the best camera that they don't allow the members to use ...they keep it for the board members only! Shameful. Not to mention the fact that the president of the station got caught selling a camera TO the station, probably/allegedly having purchased it with your money in the first place, a documented fact inside a report from City Hall) - the board members screaming the loudest and making noise are guilty of something. Confession - so good for the soul -  would be a lot more helpful to those two sad examples, but they have not the  ability or power to do, experience, or understand something: that they are in dire need to get some (mental) help before they continue to hurt other people in that position they grabbed.  Their Patch scribblings are beyond a cry for help, those board members are giving the community prima facie evidence as to why the State Hospital needs to open up another couple of rooms. 

P.S. it's not very ladylike (and perhaps "lady" was the wrong word)  to criticize the way Senator Pat Jehlen conducts an interview, but some rogue board member from out of town did just that. Shameful. Is it because Pat does such a great job interviewing members of the community?