Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Pop Explosion on the air

474,665 474,655 @ 1:55 pm Today on the Joe Vig Pop explosion Tune in 1-3 pm Somerville Community Access TV 1 Shakin' All Over. Johnny Kid /The Pirates 2:18 2 You Want To Change Me   Bobby Hebb 2:49 3 Jet Airliner.  Paul Pena. 5:43 4 Glamour Boy Guess Who/Burton Cummings 6:20 5 Dracula meets Perry Mason 1:55 6 I'll Get You. The Beatles 2:05 7 Trust Me. Janis Joplin 3:17 8 Perry Mason Reviewed JV and Frank...

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Jobs for sale...Jobs up for Grabs

471,717@2:18 471,656@12:38 am 471,628 @ 11:17 pm  471,614 @ 11:00 pm One of our informants had a conversation where someone asked "How did HE get hired THERE?" Did someone require big bucks before he hired some reprobate? Didn't the new guy say he would clean out the deadwood from the old regime? Juvenile Delinquency can lead to a fresh start where the moron as an adult can continue to be an abuser with the blessings of the godfather. We'll...

37 Days to Election Day 2015 November 3

471,600 @ 10:44  471,535 @ 9:04 pm 65 in 1 hr 40 minutes 471,523 @ 8:54 pm 37 days to ELECTION DAY  Your most read and trusted news source in Medford In 2015, Mercury will be retrograde during: January 21 – February 11 ...

Welcome to the Parade, Stephanie #385 ...Collect them all!!!

471,512   One of our spies sent us this earlier in the week. Golly, gee...McGlynn down to his old dirty tricks.Sprucing up the streets during election time for the PARADE TO NOWHERE! evidence through the rear view mirror! Wow!  Are those Muccini-Burke signs? Are they too, too close to a polling place??? Mrs. Burke?   What do you have...

How much does a job cost @ the xxxxxxx's Department?

461,485@7:53 pm 471,460@7:08 pm 471,441 30,512 last 30 days      Pageviews yesterday  840 Seems like any reprobate can get  hired there for the right price ...if you also campaign for your boss Even if you have a juvenile criminal record! Hey, wasn't the "new guy" going to be different from the "old guy?" Some things never change!!! "Meet the new boss...same as the old boss." The Who Won't Get...

Church Deacon Allegedly Tells Autistic Man to go back to abusers at Public Access TV station

471,428@5:48 pm 461.257@10:49 am 471,191 @ 8:30 am 471,184 @ 8:26 am 471,176 @ 8:14 am 471,169 @ 8:07 am In America in 2015 there is a city that pays for public access TV --- and pays for it during a critical election.  BUT -  that precious extension of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution does not exist, though millions of dollars go into it.  ___________________________________ The...

Friday, September 25, 2015

The Great Debate - October 15 Over 471 thousand page views

471,169 @ 8:06 am 471,100@11:54 pm 471, 057@ 10:11 pm ...

Mark Tonello Speaks!

470,981@7:54 pm 470,914 @ 5;15 PM 470, 877 @ 4:34 pm 37 in 41 minutes Mark Tonello Speaks!!!  HA HA, kinda sort of...and Jackass Caraviello likes it! Joe, you really don't deserve this attention but for shits and giggles let's see if you can make the efort to practice what you preach.   Joe Vig: Mark, I enjoyed our conversation at the restaurant when you sat down where I was and initiated a monologue - not...

Irreparable Harm: The Five WORST Candidates in Election 2015

470,871 @ 4:25 pm  470,846 @ 3:47 PM 38 minutes, 25 page views MEDFORD'S FRACTIOUS CANDIDATES BURKE, KNIGHT, CARAVIELLO, RUGGIERO AND DELLO RUSSO  The bad-mannered, irritable and quarrelsome five candidates currently in the 2015 election. ________________________________   Facing another potential conservative insurrection, Boehner said he had concluded...


470,797 @ 2:48 pm 470,769 @ 2:25 pm 28 in 23 minutes GOOD-BYE TO BAD NEWS BOEHNER John Boehner  will resign from Congress at the end of October. How did this happen?  What does this mean for the Planned Parenthood shutdown fight? This story was originally published at 9:36 a.m. House Speaker John A. Boehner, faced with a constant conservative rebellion,...


470,736 @ 1:54 PM THIS IS THE WEBPAGE THAT BRINGS YOU THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FIRST! Tell your friends to link to Medford Information Central Dot Com Information Central  Your REAL EYE on Medford  tm MedfordInformationCentral dot com has provided you...


470,707 @ 1:35 pm Tell your friends to link to Medford Information Central Dot Com FOUND ON FACEBOOK Michael Ruggiero: Please, members of group posting, maintain a respectful tone as you address each other. It is absolutely OK to discuss your reasoned opinions of the candidates. It is not OK to attack other members of this group. Posting that are disrespectful will be removed. Joe Viglione:...

Who is Political Assassin Chris Siren?

470,670@ 12,:31 pm 470,650 @ 12:10 pm 525 since 8 pm last night Tell your friends to link to Medford Information Central Dot Com Some creepy South Medford dude with a stupid hat and supposed teaching job at M.I.T. is being a nuisance on Facebook. Here's my response to the nitwit: I look in the mirror and see the Nelson Mandela of Public Access TV in Medford, Chris! This writer has worked hard for...