Wednesday, September 16, 2015

John Costas, who stood in the way of TV at the Chevalier, seeks help

463,366 @ 10:05 am

Dear Cable TV Subscribers and Residents:

1)You pay for Access TV

2)John Costas, in way too long at the
Chevalier, refuses to consider access TV

at the Chevalier.  His "turf" in his mind,
not a CITY RESOURCE, but the
John Costas Theater.   

3)Now Costas is begging for help with
webcasts.  Since Costas served on the corrupt old TV3 board with those reprobates, and - shockingly - said to me about the destroyed sound board
 "there's always waste in government' (paraphrased, and at his office at Medford Electronics) well, now he's looking to
"webcast."  How quaint. 

John Costas was oh so "horrified" by
the Chumley Report, yet he was on the
board of directors when it was fraudcast and did nothing to remove it.  It was an assault on the City Solicitor - a bullying tactic meant to intimidate
Mark Rumley to stop him from investigating them.

Actually, it may have succeeded as Rumley
has turned a blind eye to the obvious malfeasance at Medfraud Community Cablevision, Inc.

Rumley ran like a coward and Costas is now
begging for help when it was Costas who stood
in the way of an access TV station at that
empty room in the Chevalier.