524,280 @ 6:07 pm
524,259@5:39 pm
Saturday Night Special on Community
Media Medford.com
When I lived in Woburn there was never questions about stolen elections. The variety of mayors Woburn has had indicates that things are workable. In Stoneham, Reading, Winchester, Malden, Arlington, I've never questioned the results of elections. In Medford I do question the results (as do many, many other people,) and a huge indicator is that one mayor could be in power for thirty years. The alleged "election" of the unqualified Stephanie Muccini-Burke - a woman who ran a terrible campaign and who mumbled and stumbled, when she wasn't dodging all sorts of stories, like the October 30 theft at the high school hushed up until after the election was over on November 3, 2015.
Saturday Night Special on Community
Media Medford.com
Saturday Night Special on Community
Media Medford.com
Saturday Night Special on Community
Media Medford.com