Friday, March 10, 2017

Student Inebriation: Daddy's Little Trollop Part 2


As we investigate the School Committee and the former Director of Personnel, very troubling information is being uncovered which makes one pause and question the Administration of the school system by Roy E. Belson and this School Committee.

Now, allegations of rampant sex and a student or students getting into trouble due to alcohol abuse, and allegations that these problems were as swept under the rug as Varsity-CoachGate

A serious charge of a young female athlete having "gotten into trouble" due to alcohol abuse has flashed on the radar as the investigation into whether or not an illicit sexual encounter or encounters between a young girl and a 29 year old or so teacher / coach is just getting uglier as more witnesses come forward and the story builds like a snow ball heading down High Street, building at an exponential rate until it lands right at the doorstep of city hall.

On the campaign trail we intend to grill those who were in authority when the alleged incidents happened - allegations of student drinking, a young woman getting into trouble due to inebriation, allegations of wild sexual encounters, and the outrageous allegation of sex crimes being hushed up at the high school while the teachers who allegedly were involved walk away scot free a la Stephen Lebert not being tried and punished for threatening to kill a man.

To 'get off scot-free' means 'to get away with something without being punished'. But does that use of 'scot' have anything to do with Scotland?

Thank you to the informants who are handing this important intell* over to us.  It is totally confidential.   Further information can be e mailed to Informationcentral2{@} though it is best not to leave a paper trail so when you see me around town or at the council, use sign language.  I'm serious.

*Urban Dictionary spelling for Intel/Intelligence

Urban Dictionary: [intell]
Information or more information then previously given.

Be VERY careful who sees you disseminating the information, City Hall reportedly is in Defcon 1 over this one.

Dick Nixon can tell them - the cover up is sometimes even more egregious than the crime.