Thursday, April 11, 2019


1,336,151 PAGE views @ 11:36 am 4-11-19

Secretary of the Commonwealth
Public Records Division
McCormack Building
One Ashburton Place, Room 1719
Boston, MA 02108

Public Records: 617-727-2832
Fax: 617-727-5914
Email: 617-727-2836
Fax: 617-727-5914 

Dear Sec of Commonwealth Public Records Request Appeals:

Enclosed is my original public records request dated March 15, 2019, and the response from Medford City Hall (attached) dated March 28, 2019

My appeal is for these items in that request


  The response is offensive.  The law office is being cute here that the citizens own the doors and city hall doesn't have to respond, from my reading of it.

  I am requesting ALL the documents on the removal of the brass city hall doors.  Documents on why were they removed, who removed them, was the historical society involved, how much money was received on the doors, all the documents on the doors.

Please be advised,  there was a problem at Medford Housing Authority with missing copper.  When I gave the police the information on where the missing copper (see Boston Globe story on it) was allegedly melted, the police failed to respond.  It wasn't in a public records request, but the Medford Police Dept. allegedly has a sorry history of NOT responding to such requests anyway.  They have ignored all of mine up to this point in time.


I am demanding all documents on the removal of the Medford City Hall doors.

I allege that City Solicitor Rumley allegedly wrote this response, not Attorney Scanlon, as Attorney Scanlon's responses have been professional. 

The snippy aside in the response reflects the abusive treatment I have suffered at a public meeting by Mr. Rumley in regards to a previous public records request on his novel, but abusive, CORI WAIVER, a tool Rumley allegedly uses a to allegedly spy on candidates for public office who may want to have a TV show on public access.

Let me know that Mr. Rumley's past record with responding fully to public records requests is not very honorable.  See past appeals for proof of that.

I DEMAND THE DOCUMENTS ON THE CITY HALL DOORS THAT WERE REMOVED, Medford, Massachusetts.  The taxpayers paid for those doors,
and the law department's response is offensive, crude, a distraction and an intentional failure to respond to a legitimate question.

Mr. Rumley absolutely loathes this journalist; I cannot recall seeing such hatred and contempt for a person from a city lawyer in my entire life.

Rumley's antics at the city council show an individual who lets his emotions and his ego get in the way of the job that he took an oath to perform.
It is on tape.   Here is one example just so that the Secretary of State's office knows what kind of megalomania is at play:

This is Mr. Rumley going after a city councilor.  I don't know everything, but isn't a city councilor a client of the city solicitor?  To attack him in public,
on television, is typical of what a resident must put up with when Rumley demands respect but fails to give that respect to those paying his allegedly bloated salary:

1b) the wooden seats from Alden Chambers, Medford City Hall

    How can there be no documents of expensive city equipment / property?

I am placing 1b along with 1 as they both pertain to property at City Hall


1a)Ring Road curbstones

City Hall Medford claims the Mass. Dept of Transportation handled the Ring Road affair.  Fine. I will send the request to them.

However, I believe the city of Medford owns those curbstones and request that the Sec of the Commonwealth further explore why my
request was really sidestepped with this response.  City Hall Medford has a sad history of wanting to hide things from the public that they take money from,
see the sale of copper at Medford Housing Authority allegedly while city hall had the uncle of Mayor McGlynn on the board of directors, allegedly without informing Governor Deval Patrick of the alleged conflict.

I am the individual who reported this to the Governor's office resulting in the removal of Mayor McGlynn's uncle, Gene McGillicuddy, replacing him with Sean Caron at the time.  

Mr. Rumley attempted to chill my free speech at a board meeting where he claimed he had no authority.  OK, if that's so, why did Rumley jump up and try to shut me up?   Draw your own conclusions at the offensive behavior by the city lawyer.

I am further appealing all of the claims that City Hall "is not in possession of any documents that relate to this request.

How is that possible?  Are they intentionally not documenting?

Keep in mind, the Medford Housing Authority copper situation.  Look into that and find out if the Housing Authority has documents on the missing / sold copper, and if this is a pattern in the city of Medford.  

If there are no documents, and the doors and wooden chairs are missing, then this matter should be turned over to the FBI, in my opinion

This letter explains why I am filing this appeal.  I cannot get documents which certainly must exist.  You don't just remove expensive doors and they disappear without the public having a clue as to where they went and if they were thrown away or if monies were exchanged.


Joe Viglione
P.O. Box 2392
Woburn MA 01888 

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Joe Viglione
To: Kim Scanlon <>
Cc: Joseph
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2019 3:56 PM
Subject: Public Records Request - City Hall Doors, City Council Wooden Chairs,

Kim Scanlon
Medford City Hall
85 Geo P Hassett Drive
Medford, MA 02155

RE: Public Records: City Hall Former Doors, Alden Chambers Wooden Chairs, 

Dear Ms. Scanlon and/or Keeper of the Records: 

This is a request under the Massachusetts Public Records Law (M. G. L. Chapter 66, Section 10). 

I am requesting that I be provided a copy of the following records:

1)all documents at city hall or any other area where Medford's city government and other agencies keep records, documents being notes, e mails, and other documents, regarding the removal of Medford property - specifically, documents describing or discussing the property owned by the citizens of Medford and what happened to the property owned by the citizens of Medford

a)Curbstones from the construction work on Ring Road

b)wooden seats in Alden Chambers 85 Geo. P. Hassett Drive, the wooden seating replaced by cheap, uncomfortable plastic chairs

c)the three doors at the entrance of city hall

2)documents detailing the amount of property referenced above

3)documents detailing the dollar value of the items noted above

4)documents detailing which person(s) or company (companies) are in possession of those items and what they paid for them, if anything

I recognize that you may charge reasonable costs for copies, as well as for personnel time needed to comply with this request. If you expect costs to exceed $10.00, please provide a detailed fee estimate, however as a journalist in this city I request that you waive the fee as this matter is of great public interest. 

The Public Records Law requires you to provide me with a written response within 10 calendar days. If you cannot comply with my request, you are statutorily required to provide an explanation in writing. 


Joe Viglione 
P.O. Box 2392
Woburn MA 01888