Friday, April 12, 2019

Rumley Can't Run for Election - Paint Caraviello With the Broad Rumley Brush

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"Rumley is the Devil Incarnate"

"I wouldn't let Rumley touch my grandchild"

These are actual quotes from citizens disgusted by a city solicitor in dire need of term limits and crop rotation.

Rumley knows that people despise him, the irresponsible city lawyer allergic to his own oath of office, is playing a diabolical part in the story of Medford, Massachusetts.   Rumley embraces his role as McGlynn's consigliere, and McGlynn wants NO ONE on public access television.

So as election 2019 begins heating up, The Rumley Factor, a big, scary monster lurking behind the scenes.  The Rumley Factor, the dark cloud over city hall.  The Rumley Factor, the black eye on the Muccini-Burke administration.

How many times have I been "spot on," Nell Escobar Coakley.

If Attorney Breanna Lungo-Koehn really wants to win this thing, she has to ask HER attorney, Mark E. Rumley, to RECUSE himself.

Breanna has to come out swinging at a suspicious city lawyer.

Breanna has to shine a light on the multitude of Rumley's conflicts.

If she can't, Breanna Lungo-Koehn will not win.

Breanna has to step up to the plate.

This is where the rubber hits the road.

A city councilor has to denounce Rumley's fights with Michael Marks.

A city councilor has to emphasize what Marks said - that Rumley wears two hats, and is carrying the water for Stephanie Muccini Burke.

Mark Rumley is duplicitous, traitorous, and hardly serves the people of Medford.

The problem, dear Medford citizen, is not in the stars, the problem is deep in the deceitful eyes of Mark E. Rumley.

Wake up and smell the coffee:  if Rumley is investigated, the entire corrupt Medford structure crumbles.

Breanna Lungo-Koehn has to expose Mark E. Rumley

That is part of her road to victory.

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