Friday, April 12, 2019

Stop & Shop Striking Employee Harasses Senior Citizen

1,336,745 @ 6:05 pm
471 so far today



The jerk in this photograph attempted to jump in front of my vehicle to stop me from entering Stop & Shop Stoneham.

He's a real piece of work.

Please respect our picket line doesn't mean that you throw yourself in front of the vehicle of a senior citizen.

So after I parked my car I asked if I could take his photograph.  He didn't realize that it was the senior citizen that he had harassed.

When I told him I wanted the photo for the police - of which there were about three officers on duty up there, he started stalking me...not like I haven't been stalked before and, let's face it, I have a VERY good track record of defeating sleazy stalkers

Nuisance Boy with his Dr. Donald Blake cane. Problem for him is that when he taps it he doesn't turn into Thor, just a dumb reprobate.

Notice that he's on strike, yet to the left he is advertising Stop & Shop water...too funny!
So the stalker started following me and yelling that he has "a witness" (another striker) and that he didn't do it.  Blah blah blah...

So I announced to the police what he was up to, and they saw a striker following a customer.

Real good for the union?  WRONG, even Madame Knight knows enough not to cross that line in front of police!  *(PURPORTEDLY, WHEN i WAS FILMING THE POLICE STRIKE OF MAYOR BURKE AT MONTVALE PLAZA, Adam Knight was in a car crouched down and hidden CROSSING THE PICKET LINE!  What a loser!!!!!)   

Nighty Knight mouths off outside of Alden Chambers when no one is looking.

The police have to be commended for keeping their cool during a strike.

I asked them to arrest the reprobate but they settled by just following him back to his spot and the officer stood there with him.

Smart move.

A woman striking told me that they aren't all like him, and I acknowledged the strikers and said they were all doing a good job and he was the type that gave the union and strikers a bad name.  JUST LIKE ADAM KNIGHT!
After I found Cheez-Its for 1.79 - the White Cheddar, and that IS a deal--- having some right now - upon leaving and saying thanks to the kind woman striker, the ultra handsome fellow with her thanked me !   

That's called, good karma.  Should've given him my business card...oh well...

He was as cute as the stalker is ugly (pictured above.)  Meaning: VERY, VERY CUTE!