Tuesday, May 5, 2020

3 Upcoming Stories to Keep an Eye On

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1)The Elephant in the Room

McGlynn's Popularity Tanks --- old population tires of his presence on the scene; new Medford residents have not a clue who he is

2)Pat Gordon's incompetence during COVID-19
He Makes Dumb Donald (J Trump) Look like a Scholar by Comparison, the insanity of old Inject Yourself with Lysol boy down in Washington gives people a clue of the public access ripoff in Medford. Local government, national government, bottom line is you get robbed 24/7.  Remember, that $1200.00 stimulus check is you getting YOUR money back!

3)MBTA Stumbles and Fumbles like TV3 Station Manager Pat Gordon on Steroids

These delicious new stories coming your way this week.  Stay tuned...or the Medford Police will keep you "tuned up"