Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Dismantling the Crooked Medford Police Department and Reorganizing Medford...+ The 15 most Divisive Officials in Medford

 A preview on our next editorials.

Here's my post on Facebook Real Medford Politics:

Medford Square is dysfunctional. Much of Medford's infrastructure needs serious change. Dismantling the Medford Police department and starting fresh, with a new chief, would also be key for Medford's growth. The old way of doing business in Medford must change...starting with a smart design for the square. It would send a signal to the world. Don't hold your breath waiting for Pollyanna to do something substantial. We are 12 elections away from that...not in our lifetime.

We must remove Jack Buckley and the most crooked police department in all of Middlesex County if the standard is how many officers are on the Brady list of Marian Ryan.

Chief Hack Buckley (Chief Hack? or Hack Buckley?  One and the same...) holding kindergarten class for Mobil-Lies Medford at Tufts University, and then having tea with some crooked witch at the highly dysfunctional Medford United allegedly is all you need to know. THROW THE BUM OUT! 

Stay tuned.  Blockbuster information to be included in both these upcoming stories.