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Monday, November 30, 2020
Massachusetts state lawmakers unveil police reform compromise after months of secret negotiationsMassachusetts legislative leaders said Monday they reached an agreement on “landmark” policing legislation that would create a new system for holding officers accountable, including stripping them of legal protections in cases of certain misconduct.The 129-page compact announced Monday evening by a committee of House and Senate members capped four...
Joe Viglione takes Another Look at the Jimi Hendrix Haleakala Center Recordings

1744483 @ 10:02 pm Jimi
Hendrix Live Maui
Joe Viglione takes Another Look at the
Haleakala Center Recordings
The dreamworld that was the collection of
films and bootlegs of Jimi Hendrix at Rainbow Bridge, including a Reprise
records album (Original Motion Picture Sound Track From Rainbow Bridge) back in
the 1970s, are for the many...
Wake Up Medford, You Are Being Manipulated By a Hideous System Dec 2 Committee of the Whole

1744438 @ 8:42 all-time views82 @ 8:42 in 102 minutesI have attached the agenda for the December 2, 2020 Committee of the Whole Meeting, via Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting ID: 942 2689 0007One tap mobile+13126266799,,94226890007# US (Chicago)+19292056099,,94226890007# US (New York)Dial by your location ...
How Badly Did Leo A. Sacco Jr. DAMAGE the CITY OF MEDFORD? It was of Hiroshima Proportions and his protege, Jack Buckley, Should Be Removed
measure, a “formal declaration of no confidence” in Solomon, alleges the
chief has brought the city and the Police Department “into disrepute”
and “placed his own financial interests ahead of the interests of
Methuen taxpayers.”The vote was 8-0, with one councilor, Nicholas...
Scam Artist Caraviello Worked With Dishonest Medford Police Dept; NOW METHUEN AND CITY COUNCIL IN SPOTLIGHT BASTARDS ALL
Methuen police chief doled out favors to councilors after they made him one of the nation's highest paid law enforcement officialsThe Methuen city council had just approved a contract that would make police chief Joseph Solomon one of the highest paid law enforcement officers in the country, setting him up to earn $326,707 in 2019. Councilors would later say they didn’t know what was in the contract, but not a single member asked any questions...
Simple Public Records Request re: Next Council President att: City Clerk, City Solicitor
PendingStay tuned We just landed 3 big reviews in my real world, so Public Records Request will be issued in about an hour. Work comes first. 6:05 pm, and the scandal about Methuen Chief and City Council...ugggh...sounds like MedfordThe more lies they tell, the more truth that we are going to publish...Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010) - Michael Douglas as › title › charactersGordon Gekko : Stop telling...
A Christmas Gift for the Lonely Witches at M.U.

1744250 @ 4:44 pm all-time rage views 31,873 views in the past 60 days Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010) - Michael Douglas as › title › charactersGordon Gekko : Stop telling lies about me and I'll stop telling the truth about you. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps...not in Medford where it gets stolen from the non-profits...just ask...
Time for some photography

1744117 @ 2:12 pm538 since 7 pm last night... To the M.U. pervs, this site is almost as much fun as their "D" Batteries!The creepy Trump-loving nasty beasties at Medford United are sobbing like the clerk of a corporation when 100k was allegedly found missing...a new dawn in America...who helped that individual cover it up? Look at the known associates...and wait...
Half Vader - the newly elected nitwit "President' of Medford City Council....ha ha ha...the joke is on the city

Merry Sithmos! Fat Serial Harasser we now call Half Vader (the damaged half) set to sleaze his way in to the podium when the dirty rat was purportedly left out in the cold when Charlie Baker came to townLow self image Rick and his harem of beasties don't work for Medford, they steal from Medford. No Merry Christmas for fat boy!Watch for new public records...
Clerk and President Mysteriously Vanish!
1743917 @ 11:55 am338 since 7 pm last nightWere they ABDUCTED BY ALIENS?Sometime between 2007 and 2008 a clerk and a president of a local organization mysteriously vanished.They must have been abducted!Heck if the city of Medford isn't going to protect the tykes, perhaps aliens will?OR maybe by they were kidnapped by the town drunk! ?? who wanted to cut their hair...below the jaw - for punishment for what they allegedly did ...
Elvis and his Daughter
OK, enough with politicsA little Elvis no matter what the world may say about meyour love will always see me through LISA-MARIE and ELVIS PRESLEY, SPECIAL DUETS !In The Ghetto...the Medford theme song!...
The Town Drunk on the Board of Directors of a company that sells alcohol
Don't drink the profits, dearie!Another Martini?Oh just wait till the city council takes the oath of office.This is going to be fun!, Park Marenteau would say You just can't make this stuff upLike a drug dealer partaking of his own "medication" she's quite the boozer the husband implied to me, in public! And she's part of a company that sells alcohol!FILE UNDER: DEEP DISCOU...
Caraviello Friend on Board of Directors with Husband of Medford United Wench!
Does he PARK in the Fire Lane?Explosive article will unveil around oath of office time...connecting the dots...
Why is some sleazy Medford woman allegedly on a board of directors with an alleged xxxxxxxxxxx cop?
'The plot thickens... stay tuned Some cop who allegedly got away with an alleged drunk driving episodeWorking with an alleged master criminal like that he's either stupid or in on...
Women in Nasty Local Group Fear Being Arrested at Any Moment
ACAAlleged Child AbusersThe story is coming out...soon! Estimated over One Hundred Thou is missing...As Bad as MCC TV3 Allegations!Child abuse can be financial as well as physicalPut those bitter old broads in cuffs.If they abuse tiny tykes and elders, what will they do to you? &nb...
Half of Darth Vader is Dead

FILE UNDER: FORCE SENSITIVERIP David Prouse, Darth Vader Prowse, actor who played Darth Vader, dies at 85
Jill Lawless, Associated Press
Bigamists of Medford A New Lively Group Within the City Borders
And you will be shocked when you find out who the bigamist is!