Monday, January 11, 2021

Infestation at Medford’s New Police Station

 Breanna needs to call Clean Up Woman 

Martha Coakley

But is Martha able to sweep the 

Brady infestation 

under the rug ?? with all the other junk she has down there for Michael J. McGoonSquad?

Martha, my dear, would ask Bob Covelle and his wife to help with the broom detail but their wrists are oh so sore from Martha's tiny little slaps ....really, Martha...that was so transparent....and not in the right way ...when the two of them, Jimmy DiPaola banditos, should have been put in prison for a long stretch.

Anything for McGlynn (allegedly,) anything for McGlynn.

You know, Martha, when I was out there videotaping on the pitcher's mound at Fenway Park, in the freezing cold that winter when you were running, thinking to myself "If only Martha made a grand entrance here and dropped the puck WITH ALL THE PRESS available, she would have been elected Governor.

But, you didn't.  

Go figure.

Brady Infestation ain't gonna help Breanna when November 2, 2021 rolls around and it is election time.

 Nor will Martha