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Thursday, September 30, 2021
My friend Johnny from Up North Calls about 007....
7:59 pm All Time2005820Today1136Yesterday926This Month34905Last Month35653 Joe V: Johnny, what do you call it when I've only talked to three attorneys so far today?Johnny V: What?Joe V: A slow day at the empi...
Bi Polar Rick ...>Welcome Back to the Breanna Lungo[]\\[]\Koehn Poetry Corner

7:22 pm All Time2005796Today1112Yesterday926This Month34881Last Month35653 Bi-Polar RickHe is a big fat hickif that's politically incorrectjust say that man is SICK Big Deal NeilHas lost all his appealit's obvious with his brain defectif he has to he will squeal Then there's that awful MadameWho thinks his name is AdamHe gets violent with...
Medford Signs onto Global “Race to Zero” Campaign, Pledges to Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Half by 2030 by Jackie Piques
4:41 pm 957 views since 8 pm last night, 2,005,641 all-time views 70,379 views in 61 daysYOUR ELECTION CENTRAL 2021All Time2005641Today957Yesterday926This Month34726Last Month35653
Medford is one of only a handful of Massachusetts communities to join the global campaign.
City of Medford has joined cities around...
Non-Profit Malfeasance

Comment on: Longtime homeless shelter president charged with stealing housing funds to amass a real estate empireMaura
Healey's office has failed to go after non-profits in Lynn and Medford
vis-a-vis access television, hundreds of thousands of dollars allegedly
missing. read Medford Information Central dot com to see my public
records requests since October of...
Did Kerry Rip His Mask Off???? Kaptain Kevin Faller Press Conference on Blewandowski

9:16 am All Time2005158Today474Yesterday926This Month34243Last Month35653Former Trump aide Corey Lewandowski accused of making unwanted, 'vile and disgusting' sexual advances Lewandowski, who is married and has four children, served as
Trump’s first campaign manager early in the 2016 presidential campaign
and has been an outspoken Trump loyalist,...
DUMP WORLD: COREY "I Won't Touch Kerry" LoseranDowski Dumped from Trump World
7:38 am All Time2005031Today347Yesterday926This Month34116Last Month35653POLITICSTrump donor: Corey Lewandowski made unwanted sexual advances...This is a job forCaptain Kevin Faller to HANDLE!The longtime Trump aide harassed her at a charity event, a major Republican Party contributor alleges. It is not the first time Lewandowski has been accused of unwanted touching. In late 2017, singer Joy Villa filed a police report alleging...
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Medford City Council Tuesday Sept 28, 2021

The Video of the Medford City CouncilSeptember 28, 2021 The film of the Medford City Council Sept 28, 2021 Tuesday - your option here:, Medford voters never learn... "If there's anything we've learned...Falco says..."It should be granite, it should always be granite" like the...
Some Sept 29_2021 photos in Boston....VENOM...Let There Be Carnage, James Bond: No Time to Die_first time I've done two movies in 2 days in years

9:55 pm 115 minutes, 107 page views All Time2004791Today107Yesterday926This Month33876Last Month35653 Review Thursday morning at 9 AM Embargo on reviews until then&nb...
A Reader on Facebook, J.S., Notes: To quote the article "Neither Nunley Benjamin nor Durham participated in the investigation." Sounds a little one sided to me.
9:31 pm 91 minutes, 82 page viewsAll Time2004766Today82Yesterday926This Month33851Last Month35653 6:03 pm All Time2004589Today831Yesterday1050This Month33674Last Month356532:37 pm All Time2004363Today605Yesterday1050This Month33448Last Month35653 JS NotesTo quote the article "Neither Nunley Benjamin nor Durham participated in the investigation." Sounds a little one sided to me. Joe Viglione responds: ...
Durham Claims Preferential Treatment for Osborne. We Do Too!

2:03 pm All Time2004323Today565Yesterday1050This Month33408Last Month35...
3 Rise of the Moors members charged in hourslong standoff along I-95 in Wakefield appear in court
3 Rise of the Moors members charged in hourslong standoff along I-95 in Wakefield appear in court On Sept. 1, a Middlesex County grand jury indicted a group of eight men associated with the Rise of the Moors in connection with the standoff. of those men — 31-year-old...
Kinga Borondy on Claims of Harassment....Allegedly Unfounded....REPORT
Report: Claims of harassment, hostile work environment against Medford officials unfoundedKinga BorondyWicked Local Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn has posted the results
of a report generated by an investigator who looked into claims of wage
theft and hostile work environment filed by two city department heads,
one of whom has since left Medford while the other was placed on
administrative leave pending a psychiatric evaluation.Aleesha
BeeKeepers to Vacuum City Councilors and Remove them From Stinging Residents with their Votes on their Own Pay Raises
1:41 pm 2,004,281 all time rage viewsAll Time2004281Today523Yesterday1050This Month33366Last Month35653He'd never dealt with anything like this beehive either. A team of professional beekeepers from Al-Lins Honey Farm in Beverly rode a hydraulic lift up the building to vacuum up the honeybees and put them in cages.It's a time-consuming and delicate process, Hall said: "We want to make sure these bees get relocated so they continue...
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Bond: The Overview Kinda Sorta Review

11:25 pm Tuesday 9-28-21 1,003,926 68,664 views in 59 days All Time2003926Today168 in 205 minutesYesterday1050This Month33011Last Month35653