The Victim Wrote us:

Her lil rant aka short fictional story
was about me!! She filed a false police report on me and lied out her
behind to try and save face for the fact her big ignorant mouth got a
sport's season canceled back in August. No one likes her and no one wants
to deal with her unstable and messy!! Smh. Guess she was scared because
her friend and her tried to threaten me lmao tag team match 

Joe Viglione responds:
I'm so sorry that happened to you, Kxxxx.
She had an accomplice put
urns of my family members on a blog living, one passed away.
is completely and absolutely deranged.
I had to block her on phone, on e
mail, she is obsessive/compulsive and told me absolutely private
matters of the Falco family that should have remained private. Family
issues that John and his wife were able to do an excellent job of
Kerry Laidlaw loves to gossip, and you are right, she lies
about everything.

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