Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Adam Knight Allegedly Pulls Out of Council Race; Lies on Resume', Knight is not currently employed at Bentley University in Waltham


 When Brandeis University's WBRS radio started their live broadcasts in the 1980s, I was noted on the wall as being the #26 (out of now probably thousands) of artists performing there live. We did multiple concerts at Brandeis.  
Across the way in Waltham at Bentley is WBTY Radio Online, which I have had many interactions with over there, including with multiple professors. 
I know for a fact that Adam Knight is not currently employed at Bentley, yet he is lying on his resume' on Linked In bragging that he is. 
Of my contacts at Bentley this reporter knows Knight is not currently employed there, and allegedly was just a "fill in." 
Can you believe that? 
The dishonest councilor in Medford allegedly is not running in 2023, so if Knight and Caraviello are gone, two of the worst councilors in Medford's history, President Nicole Morell needs to file a motion to sanction Adam Knight and hold a No Confidence vote for the smasher of a bank door who abandoned his own kids in a car for his "wanton destruction."