Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Blockbuster: Melanie McLaughlin Resigns, One of the WORST, the very worst politicians in Medford, Zayoooonara....!

 Can we give Jenny Graham the boot too!!!! McLaughlin betrayed the voters by resigning. She's Gone. Resigned. https://medfordinformationcentral.blogspot.com/2024/02/blockbuster-melanie-mclaughlin-resigns.html Without community input this classless woman was on the School Committee when it spent your taxpayer dollars to change the name of the Columbus School https://www.change.org/p/medford-mayor-and-school-committee-members-medford-ma-columbus-school-name-should-not-be-changed-beeffd98-8aab-415a-bac3-6f185ae15fd6...

Allison Anton of the WesterN Journal in Phoenix is a Jackass

 The Western JournalP.O. Box 74273, Phoenix, AZ 85087Phone: (623) 217-7766Who is this jackass Allison Anton?  She writes like a third-grader, biased and stupid."How he's madeinflation astronomically worse across the board?" She must be talking about the criminal Trump.  Thankfully, Joe Biden's in office and our economy is rocking.  Methinks Anton is a Russian spy working for Vladmir Donald Putin.   Western Journal...

Monday, February 26, 2024


 RARE KAREN CARPENTERSINGINGDEATH MAY BE YOUR SANTA CLAUShttps://youtu.be/z_DgN6nlUbMHow long 'fore you realise you swingHow long 'fore you realise you stingFrom the good to the bad to the ugly changeHow long 'fore you start to rearrangeHow long how long 'fore you realise that all's strangeHow long will it take to turn you aroundHow long will it take to bend you downIt...

Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Top 20 Medford/Everett Officials Who Will Burn In Hell. Are you on the list? And the reasons why!!!!

 As a writer I've been wrongfully sued by government officials. I won the cases at great cost to my finances and my life. What winning does is give me the right to continue to expose them, and I do. #BidenHarris2024 Vote Blue, your life depends upon it, and your Quiet Enjoyment....

Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Worst Medford Councilor in History = Badder than Paul Camuso, Uncle Bob Maiocco and Adam Knight put together

 uglystupidand mentally diSabled  CRUTCHES FOR THE BRAIN...

Friday, February 23, 2024

Stephanie Muccini Burke gives the Finger to Firefighters in Medford / On Feb. 3, 21 out of 23 Medford firefighters called out sick. The mayor smells a rat. According to Medford Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn, the "orchestrated event" cost the city $92,000 in overtime and sick leave costs.

 Allegedly embattled son of Mark E. Rumley, former city solicitor.  With all his alleged, rumored troubles, the solicitor's son certainly didn't need Muccini-Burke acting like a jackass at his wedding.Wonder who the unlucky guy he allegedly married was! On Feb. 3, 21 out of 23 Medford firefighters called out sick. The mayor smells a rat. According to Medford...

Wednesday, February 21, 2024



Saturday, February 17, 2024

Ron DeLucia Said they were guilty of Sloppy Bookkeeping? Where's Judge Arthur F. Engoron When we Need Him?>

 Dishonest Ron DeLucia used TV 3 monies to file at least 3 lawsuits against me.I won.I found them guilty of Anti-SLAPP violationsPeople hate DeLucia.  When he left teaching at the high school and school committee member said to me "And they don't want him back."  The name is familiar in Medford.So the s.o.b. DeLucia, who hates disabled people, would use tv 3 like his own personal whore, selling his services in an unauthorized infomercial...

Where are the TV 3 Financial Reports? The valid ones.

 https://corp.sec.state.ma.us/CorpWeb/CorpSearch/CorpSearchViewPDF.aspx &nb...

Bringing Bankrupt Harvey Alberg, and Disabled-Hater Ronald DeLucia and TV 3 to Justice - the Trump Fraud Case exposed TV 3 Medford in a BIG way

 Just 3 years after I shut down TV 3 Medford in 2013, Harvey A. Alberg and Doria Pizzotti Alberg filed for bankruptcy.   What a coincidence!The bigoted Alberg, whose Black business partner was disgusted with the old racist and ratted him out to me over a period of time, defamed me relentlessly on a creepy TV show they concocted - Spotlight At City Hall, projecting what had happened to a fellow board member on his innocent victim (that...

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Pat Jehlen Needs 300 certified signatures on my nomination papers by the end of April.

Pat Jehlen needs 300 Signatures by April   I need 300 certified signatures on my nomination papers by the end of April.  pat@electpatjehlen.org CTE Pat Jehlen Our mailing address is: 67 Dane St, Somerville MA 02143  I need 300 certified signatures on my nomination papers by the end of April.  If you can get even a few signatures...

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Johnson and Johnson: House Speaker Mike Johnson and Jack Johnson

 Johnson and Johnson: Speaker Johnson: "Son, why do you read all those muscle magazines?17 year-old Jack Johnson "Well, dad, I just don't know, but don't worry...I won't look at girls." Speaker Johnson: "Hmmm, that's pretty interesting. Let me borrow them...and don't tell your mom."  Jack: "I promise I won't if you DON'T borrow my GQ collection. The guys...

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Pat Jehlen: Somerville has submitted a home rule petition, S2545,

 https://mailchi.mp/electpatjehlen/rent-stabilization-for-somerville-2686977?e=b54498e434Somerville has submitted a home rule petition, S2545, to allow the city to regulate rents in buildings of 3 or more units not occupied by the owner.  This newsletter is the first of two based on my testimony in favor of the bill.I lived in Somerville during rent control...

Karen Crapenter's Posthumous Album; MUSIC FOR STALKERS WITH BLOODY MEATCLEAVERS just released.

 Ian Hunter wrote Ships, recorded by Barry Manilow, and Cleveland Rocks, the Drew Carey Show theme. He could perform soft rock, but Karen couldn't perform rock and roll. She was too busy in the bathroom, oh, never mind Peter Wolf of J Geils Band offered me his seat next to Ian Hunter so we could take this photo backstage at City Winery, Boston.Lenny Scoletta...