Saturday, February 17, 2024

Bringing Bankrupt Harvey Alberg, and Disabled-Hater Ronald DeLucia and TV 3 to Justice - the Trump Fraud Case exposed TV 3 Medford in a BIG way

 Just 3 years after I shut down TV 3 Medford in 2013, Harvey A. Alberg and Doria Pizzotti Alberg filed for bankruptcy.   What a coincidence!

The bigoted Alberg, whose Black business partner was disgusted with the old racist and ratted him out to me over a period of time, defamed me relentlessly on a creepy TV show they concocted - Spotlight At City Hall, projecting what had happened to a fellow board member on his innocent victim (that innocent victim being me,) while the malicious board member got arrested twice in one year.   Giving alcohol to a sixteen year old?  Allegedly threatening to blow up Station Landing?  The person used Steve Marra's Friday Night Filth Fest to terrorize the citizens of Medford until he was finally shut up.  Marra, another misguided piece of work, forced his "religion" on members of the TV station, while as station manager eating Frosted Chocolate Coffee Rolls and Pizza and Chinese Food (the odor in his office was horrific) to the point where allegedly he almost died at Lawrence Memorial Hospital, the overweight Satanic glutton. 

"I can sin because I am saved" the pathetic fat man said to those within earshot, certainly the opposite of the preaching of Jesus who said "Go and sin no more."  All Steve Marra did was sin and associate with some very bad people who had their license to the TV station terminated.

The fraud money manager, Alberg, and his partner-in-crime Ron DeLucia, another disgusting piece of work, aligned with that other fraud Rick Caraviello, at least in a photograph, were using TV 3 as an infomercial while being on the board of directors, giving out their phone # to "help you" with your financials, then the fraud goes bankrupt in 2016.

Go to the mean old bastard's website and see him defame me again, blaming little old me for his lazy work ethic and his perpetrating a fraud or frauds on the citizens of Medford.  TV3 was terminated for racism, and Harvey Alberg has no defense for that.

Alberg Bankruptcy



Comcast/Verizon ratepayers should have that

Court Name:U.S. Bankruptcy Court Records for the District of Massachusetts
Case Number:15-14759
Party Name:Harvey A. Alberg and Doria A. Alberg
Filing Type:Bankruptcy, Office: 1 Chapter: 7 Trustee: Cruickshank, Gary W. [Statement of Intent]
Date Published:April 06, 2016
Court Name:U.S. Bankruptcy Court Records for the District of Massachusetts
Case Number:15-14759
Party Name:Harvey A. Alberg and Doria A. Alberg
Filing Type:Bankruptcy, Office: 1 Chapter: 7 Trustee: Cruickshank, Gary W. [Notice of Post/No-Post Petition Creditors]
Date Published:April 06, 2016