Monday, March 24, 2025

No Truth at the Ruth: Don Feder Still Sxxxks


The Ruth Institute is a 501c3 non-profit organization.
4845 Lake Street, Ste 217 Lake Charles, LA 70605
(760) 295-9278
Anyone remember Don Feder, ex of the Boston Herald?
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it....

Admitted to the practice of law?  Guess it calls for a letter to
the Board of Bar Overseers!  HA Mass and whatever it is
called in New York.

If you thought the Ruth Institute was named after 
comedienne Ruth Buzzy, you are in for a surprise.

The writings feel like MAGA central!  Allegedly, to
be a member, one has to have 34 felony convictions, Donald.

Don Feder writes a review of Snow Woke!  Oh, Please!
We're certain that the movie sucks, Disney has lost its touch.
But to make it political - Don Fedup - is just nasty and wrong.

Look, the new Suits L.A. is absolutely horrifying, bad acting,
terrible scripting, and a director or directors obviously at the 
coffee shop and not doing their job!  But why bring felon Trump
and his stupidity into it.   Elon bought the con man the presidency,
no doubt about that, and everyone feels it.  Kamala had standing
room only, Trump was delusional, old, tired and crowds leaving

Reading Don Feder is like going through trashed scripts for the Munsters and the Addams Family.   But we can thank God that Feder isn't disgracing the pages of the subscriber-losing Boston Herald

Get thee hence, Satan

Don Feder is a graduate of Boston University College of Liberal Arts and BU Law School. He’s admitted to the practice of law in New York and Massachusetts. For 19 years, he was an editorialist and staff columnist for the Boston Herald, New England’s second largest newspaper. During those years, the Herald published over 2,000 of his columns. Mr. Feder is currently a consultant and Coalitions Director of the Ruth Institute.

The Ruth Institute is a global interfaith coalition equipping Christians to defend the family and build a civilization of love.

Founded by world-renowned author, speaker and academic Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, the Ruth Institute provides decades of research to support individuals and families harmed by divorce, the hook-up culture, and other forms of family breakdown.

The Ruth Institute has a Dream that all children be welcomed into life in a loving home with their own mother and father, married to each other.

We believe that:

  • All people have the right to know their cultural heritage and genetic identity.
  • Every child has a right to a relationship with his or her natural mother and father except for an unavoidable tragedy.