OFC Stephen Lebert Violent Medford Police Thug threatens murder
Posts on YouTube about LeBert
Sandra Bland, this case, the SC cop who shot that unarmed man in the back, these just the cases that we know about

I am all for giving cops benefit of the doubt and mandatory counseling on the first violation of the type we see where he is in uniform. but on second bad action, or on a first where he is threatening to kill someone, he needs to go -- and he needs to be criminally changed for threat with a deadly weapon
The fact is in the first incident (the one shown second when he is in uniform), if the roles were reversed and a citizen were smearing the cop's personal camera the cop would arrest the citizen. The fact that he uses bodily fluids with his saliva to smear the camera would probably result in an assaulting an officer charge.
Again, cops go though a lot. They see a lot of crime go unpunished and put up with a lot of krap. it is not surprising that some of them are jakas5es some of the time. But s a firearms owner, the way I see it, someone with a firearm threating to shoot someone who is not exhibiting ongoing behavior that is direct threat t life or injury needs to go to jail