412,725 @ 5:17 pm 46 hits in 19 minutes
412,681 @ 4:59 pm
412,681 @ 4:59 pm
The Big Story: The Court of Public Opinion wants LeBert fired.
Stephen LeBert's rampage goes viral!
1 minute 23 seconds
Bad cops caught on tape: Medford cop threatens to ‘blow a hole’ in driver’s head - TomoNews
1:24 secondshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlKKSfutULQ

15 hours ago (edited)
What would of happened if a concealed-carry citizen would have shot that fucking pig thinking it was just a typical road rage fxxxxx with a chip on his shoulder? No uniform, no badge, no emergency lights, NOTHING to make a rational person conclude that this little bitch is a cop aside from the fact that he's a little bitch.

Thank god for technology, these pigs can't get away with crap no more. Me and my friend tried to get into the police academy, we failed the psychological test, they said we were too nice to be cops. Now I know they only hire people with douche bag personality, bullies, football jocks, meat heads, etc.
That's a guilty verdict on LeBert from the court of public opinion.
4:27 Minutes CNN
Road Raging Boston Cop Threatens To Shoot Man & Says "I’ll Put A Hole In Your Fu*kin Head”

· 1

And of course, it had to be the gayest man on earth being confronted.
Cop is lucky he didn't get his ass beat, shot or both.