Sunday, January 31, 2016


603,150@12:35am 603,068 @ 10:21 pm 603,043 @ 9:52 pm 201@12:35 am from 7 pm IT'S A NEW PLAYING FIELD. THE COPS NOW HAVE TO BEHAVE IN THE WORLD OF CAMERAS!     Speaking of cameras - why have the Medford Police not THOROUGHLY investigated a case of alleged child porn?    You'll read the answer soon...     Florida driver pulls over police officer for speeding “The reason I pulled you over today,” the woman said...

9:08 pm Six Hundred And Three Thousand and 16 Page Views

603,016 @ 9:08 pm 67 page views in 129 minutes since 7 pm OUR NEW TOP 10 City Council Takes on Parking on the Sidewalk Jan 26, 2016   Screwed Up City of Medford Jan 29, 2016   Ryan's Sunday Morning In Blackstone Jan 30, 2016   L00K at this letter from Chief SASSO! Medford Po... Jan 26, 2016   CONGRATULATIONS NEIL OSBORNE Jan 29, 2016   TEACHER/STUDENT RELATIONS: City Solicitor Required... Jan...

Voter Fraud, Voter Intimidation: Burke Administration has Targeted this Magazine

602,784 @ 3:50 pm 602,770@ 3:31 PM 602,608@8:33am Voting fraud in Election 2012: How common is it? (+video) The son of Rep. Jim Moran has resigned from his father's campaign for apparently condoning voter fraud. In the lead-up to Election Day 2012, both Democrats and Republicans have had such episodes. The latest involves the son of US Rep. James Moran (D) of Virginia – Patrick Moran, Representative Moran’s...

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Ryan's Sunday Morning In Blackstone

602,608@8:33am 602,424@11:59 pm 602,368@ 10:30 pm 272@10:30 328@11:59 pm Lena comes down the stairs.  Brian is cooking pancakes Lena:  Mmmmm. Smells good Brian, handing her the jellies: Mother, Smuckers?" Lena:Wow! You really are a great First Lady of Medford.  Where we going for lunch? Brian:  Fuddruckers Lena:  Yippee Kai Ai Ryan:  ...

AG Letter 1-30-16

602,340 @ 9:34 602,312 all-time views @ 9:04 pm 216 page views @ 9:04 124 minutes, 216 page views 244 page views @ 9:34 pm 154 minutes, 244 page views Public Charities Division Office of the Attorney General One Ashburton Place Boston, MA 02108 RE: January 28, 2016 Correspondence Dear Public Charities Division: I thank you for your prompt response to my January 26, 2016 Public Records Request.  I am carefully reading 950 CMR...

Crooked City Hall - a parody

Manic Solicitor: So tell me, Ed, did you really hit him? City Clerk: Hit him, hard, yelled at him, definitely guilty of Voter Intimidation Assistant Court Clerk; That motherfucker... Manic Solicitor: Serves him right. We own this city. When Darth Stephanie had that kumbaya moment for the sheep, "This Land is Your Land," ...Woody Guthrie was spinning in his grave City Clerk: Who is Woody Guthrie?  Any relation to Arlo? Manic Solicitor...

Illegitimate Mayor Abuses Government Channel

602,232 @ 8:32 602,226 @ 8:23 pm 136 HITS in 92 minutes Tonight, Saturday, January 30, 2016, during the 7:30 - 8:15 pm time or thereabouts, Channel 43 on Verizon (and, presumably, Channel 22, Comcast) had Stephanie Muccini-Burke and her shrill voice on the poorly recorded audio and very dark "filming" of what appeared to be her Inaugural at the Medford High School. The Real Mayor, who knows how to speak into a microphone, should have had a recount. ...

Best quote of the Day

602,120 @ 7:18 pm 602,096 @ 6:58 pm 24 page views in 18 minutes @ 7:18 pm __________________________________________________ Called up an old friend to see if he wanted a copy of SKYFALL, the 007 film, which is only five bucks at Target in Woburn. He said he already has two copies, but was amazed that he got a call from me thinking that they would have killed me off by now. That...

What's the Difference Between The Medford Police and the Editor of this News Outlet?

602,086 @ 6:49 PM Welcome to Q and A: Q: What's the difference between the Medford Police Department and this editor? A: A Medford Police police officer beat a woman in the lip; this editor beats them (multiple women) legally in a court of law! sent one fraud filmmaker and her fanny packing to southern New England right quick. ________________________________________________________________________ Q:...

Cleaning Up The Corruption In Medford

602,056@5:41 pm Those coming after me the hardest appear to have the most to hide Stay tuned  ________________________________________  4:38 pm  Img_5069   Woburn sunset   1 photo of 4...

Breaking: Tv3 still under investigation. A Gs office

601,949 Lengthy correspondence from AGs office today We have NEW information on spectacular institutional failure by TV3 Just uncovered that we are sending to REAL law enforcement Not the poor excuse for law enforcement that has thus far allowed TV3 to get away with it Police Chief Kommandant Klink please take note Medfird's own Warner Klemperer should consider doing EHarmony advertising and Leave true , legitimate law enforcement to the adults Buddy...

Little Old Lady Throws Litter in Gutter

601,865 @ 1:03 pm Dedicated to Pat Fiorello Pat would go around town with his camera and find things that were not proper. As a senior citizen myself, working hard to keep the area in my neighborhood clean, it is appalling to see a police car parking illegally half on the sidewalk with a No Parking sign next to it, or a woman flagrantly blowing her nose and throwing the...

New Top 10 1/30/2016

601,831@12:33 pm As the first 1/12th of the year winds down, here is the new Top 10 Public Servants ignore Public Safety Teacher/Student Sex at High School is a huge issue. Superintendent Belson, Chief Sacco, and some bad apples at the police department need to be removed.  Time to flush the system. Your children and seniors are NOT safe in a city rife with corruption. Cop cars parking illegally, Roy Belson not telling the public about...

Friday, January 29, 2016

For Nixon: The Cover Up Was Worse than the Actual Crime

601,434 @ 9:32 pm 220 @ 9:32 152 minutes, 220 page views “I let LeBert down,” Sacco said. “I let the profession down." The regrets of Medford Police Chief Leo A. Sacco, Jr. LeBert's Medford Police file, Part One: 30 years, 13 investigations As the investigation into past police misconduct rolls along, there will most likely be more such mea culpas from our boy Leo.   ---why...

Screwed Up City of Medford

601,370 @ 9:07 pm 601,213@7:00 157 in 127 minutes Huge article on free speech to launch How can a mayor stash her own mother in public housing? Isn't that disgraceful? She used her to promote the campaign inside the housing authority, giving an advantage to the new mayor that her opponent did not have.   BUT, when only ten people - allegedly - showed up for cake and ice cream, it was an indicator that the unpopular Mrs. Burke allegedly...

Breaking: Were cameras from a non profit used for porn?

601,072@5:28 pm The story will shock you Somewhere in America access TV cameras may have Been used for porno Ugly story Elected official may have covered it up with police department Some city in America Story to break soon Also story on allegedly stolen election With a candidate allegedly covering up alleged sex crime to seize power Somewhere in America You know Free Speech Proponent Mark Rumley Will protect our right to tell you the Gory...


600,985 @ 4:04 PM 600,978 @ 3:53 pm 600,949 @ 3:24 pm 29 page views 29 minutes IF FRED DELLO RUSSO JR GETS IMPEACHED FOR FREE SPEECH VIOLATIONS, NEIL IS OUR NEXT CITY COUNCILOR THINK ABOUT IT.  STORIES ON TUFTS / TRURO AVE, MCGLYNN'S NEW JOB  AND TV3 TO POST SOON! Hey Mike McGlynn - apply here: &nb...


600,944 @ 3:20 pm Rumor is spreading like wildfire that Mayor McGlynn got a job as a consultant with the Greenline for around 280k the question yet to be answered is why did McGlynn leave office? McGlynn's brother-in-law Jonathan R. Davis, married to Bernadette McGlynn, was a higher up at MBTA Jack McGlynn, the older brother, was an MBTA consultant or lobbyist allegedly booted by Deval Patrick Jack's wife, Diane, purportedly is still...

Will the new Everett Casino take bets on whether or not Mark Rumley will tell the truth?

What a great thing to bet on! Will the Everett Casino allow you to place bets on whether or not Mark E. Rumley will be forthright in a public records request asking point blank which teachers allegedly had sex with students. If that or those event(s) even happened?  Place your bets now. Let's see Mark Rumley stand up for free speech. Mark Rumley is the architect of censorship in Medford until he can prove otherwise....

Is the Office of Marian Ryan Frightened of Political Repercussions?

600,846 @ 1:48 PM   Why isn't the office of the District Attorney looking in to allegations of sexual misconduct at Medford High School? Why isn't the office of the District Attorney looking into the alleged missing monies - the financial records of TV3 Medford? Answer those two questions. They want to kill the messenger, because if anyone gets the answers to those two questions, Medford will change dramatically. The election was stolen...

TEACHER/STUDENT RELATIONS: City Solicitor Required to Respond to Public Records Request

You want to see Mr. Rumley be Mr. First Amendment? Here's his big chance!!! Boy oh boy is City Hall ever pissed off at this news magazine and its editor.   We are fighting for YOUR RIGHTS and will continue to fight.  Let's see if some charlatan or two or three hushed up a sex scandal to seize power in Medford.     WE HAVE JUST BEGUN TO FIGHT! And did they put power above the safety of their own kids and YOUR kids? ...