Friday, June 24, 2016

Quality Policing Through Community Involvement

744,325 @ 1:57 am
744,321 @ 1:41 am

On 9:11 am June 22, 2016 the manager of 366 Salem St (the dentist office) thanked me for reporting the vandalism that occurred at their store on or about 10:55 pm June 21, 2016.
At 10:44 pm June 23 an attendant at Tony's Gas on the odd side of Salem St thanked me for working with the Medford Police department to let them see the surveillance video from my home. According to the victim, it led to them catching the two perpetrators who robbed Tony's Gas on a Wednesday night about a month ago, May 19, 2016. Around 9:05 pm that evening (May 19) I was in Cambridge in front of Four Burgers listening to "Hey Joe" by Jimi Hendrix playing through the speakers (wrote it down because I am co-authoring a book on Hendrix and our first chapter is, you got it, Hey Joe,) then I visited the Cantab Lounge for open mic night. The next morning a detective knocked on my door and asked if I saw anything. There was a getaway car purportedly across the street from my home with a driver and another fellow inside the gas station robbing the attendant. Usually I am home on Wednesday nights at that time watching Law & Order SVU but I may have not been looking out the window anyway had I been home. Good to have surveillance cameras. So the police got help from me on May 20, 2016 and again on June 22, 2014, but when have the Medford Police really helped me with TV3 Medford, 

Community Newspaper Company
Mar 6, 2008 - He's been called a liar and a crook, but now Frank Pilleri is finally speaking out ... "I've been called a thief and a crook, but what they did hurts." (Frank Pilleri to the Medford Transcript)

with the juvenile delinquent and/or his gal pal accomplice vandalizing my car at city hall, TV3 assaulting me on April 27, 2010 at city hall, with Council President Bob Maiocco threatening to hit me with a metal pipe (Chief Sacco called it "inappropriate" but, of course, cowers in fear if the great Uncle Bob Maiocco is involved,)
or when that menace Julie the Jarhead Kelleher was stalking me...for 17 months...on behalf of TV3. I had to get legal counsel to get the last TV3 station manager to sign a stay away order in Superior Court (after he defaulted on my case against him,) and bring in counsel to get a restraining order on Julie the Jarhead September 1, 2015. The city, the D.A., the police, they have not helped me because I own and edit a news site that calls out misconduct by city officials or cops like Shawn Norton, Sgt. James Lee
 Sgt. Jimmy Lee engaging in a little violence against women that resulted in 8 stitches on the lip for the victim of his aggressive action. Stephanie Muccini-Burke gave him only probation; he is the brother of the late best friend of the city solicitor, so that probably makes it ok to whack a woman around. What do you think they do to a homosexual senior citizen?  They press false charges against him to attempt to shut him up, even though he has helped the police solve crimes. 
or the notorious Stephen Lebert - someone that I reported in 2009 ...but Sacco did nothing about it. Then there was that Ed Finn thing on June 16, 2015 after Julie the Jarhead was stalking my home on June 12 and stalking me in Haines Sq. on June 13, and then Brian S. Burke calling me "motherxxxer" at the Chevaliar on October 15.
You think these things are coincidences? All the bad conduct documented and the police not helping me, yet I help them whenever they come to me for tips or evidence. What kind of city do we live in when people let me twist in the wind and don't come forward to help me? What kind of people run and hide when I'm the guy out there with the courage to report things to the police. "Quality policing through community involvement' Sacco wrote. Too bad, like Mark Rumley, that hypocrite does the opposite of what he proclaims. They speak with forked tongue and their actions show their true colors.


City Solicitor Mark E. Rumley / Medford Daily Mercury
on or about Nov. 16, 2008 (quoted from the 2nd Judge Jackson-Thompson hearing) saying:

“The one sentiment that I have heard that I take great exception to is that the city is trying to limit speech,” said Rumley. “The notion the city would censor or squelch free speech is baseless and as city solicitor I would find any such effort repugnant.”