Monday, June 27, 2016

Robert Cappucci: THE FACTS


Hello Readers, I'm feeling a bit under the weather, don't know if it is allergies or not, so I wake up to 46 views of a libelous e mail from the man-who-would-be-Senator, Robert Cappucci.

There was no "bomb throwing" as the alleged alcoholic running for public office complained about.  Here are the facts: A fellow on Cappucci's personal Facebook page told Robert he was flat out wrong, a hardcore Republican. I agreed with the guy.

Oh my God....I'm throwing "bombs" to personally "piss" him off by agreeing with a Republican that Cappucci is out to lunch.

Now you all know I'm pretty darn consistent, otherwise we wouldn't have the readership that we have.  Cappucci loves this Medford Information blog one day, the next day he hates it.

Why?   Because it tells the truth.

Why else would Mark Rumley besmirch these writings in a court of law and call them "delusional."  As Rumley's colleagues bail of of the bad ship Muccini-Burke, who are you going to believe?  A highly conflicted City Solicitor or someone who is gathering the news and alerting the community to massive malfeasance.

 That's a rhetorical question.  No question mark necessary as it is a statement of fact on this "delusional" news source.  Because it ruffles Rumley's feathers the way Cappucci's feathers got ruffled, these oh-so-sensitive individuals are a threat to the First Amendment.
Cappucci had posted a disclaimer that you cannot disagree with him or he will remove you. Is that the kind of individual we want to be Senator or even the chair of the Republican Party of Medford. Of course Robert and Bernie Green can be oh-so-polite to each other as they allegedly stab each other in the back. With me you know exactly where I stand.
Michael Marks wants us all to get along. In a perfect world people would unite against a common foe, but Stephanie has nothing to worry about when Ray gets mad at me for voting for Hillary. You got to be kidding? So if I am honest about the person I am voting for, not the party, Ray, you slam me? Is that fair?
So I have to vote for some lunatic, Donald Trump, who will do to the USA what this "Brexit" nonsense did to the world economy??? IN what lifetime?
I am a HARDCORE PROGRESSIVE, not just a little to the left ... a LOT to the left, but I am also an objective person you will never find sloshed out of his mind drunk like a certain Matt. H who ran for City Council on my platform, the liar declaring he was a "tireless supporter of access TV." Have another drink, Matt, Robert Cappucci will join you.
Locally it is about the personality, not the party. Ray even references that, but then falls off of a cliff wondering why I will fully investigate the charlatan that is Stephanie Muccini-Burke and will vote for Hillary Clinton. It's quite simple, Hillary has something in common with me. She has been eviscerated with lies just as TV3 and Mayor McGlynn and now Mayor Burke have all done to me. I admire the woman. 18 million dollars plus in a Republican smear have to consider the source. The Republican party is fractured and couldn't even beat Donald Trump. Too funny. A party so in tatters it cannot even get it together to beat a consummate liar.
Now, a poll I read, which I believe, said that Hillary Clinton tells the truth 50 percent of the time, which means half the time she isn't telling the truth. Here's the fact/punchline that is stunning: Everyone running this time, Trump, Bernie Sanders, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, all LIED MORE THAN HILLARY. Now, of course, I don't base this on the "lie detector test." Everyone one of these George H. W. Bush "read my lips, no new taxes" frauds is just that. We shouldn't have to pick between the lesser of two evils, so I, like any sane person, vote for the individual who is going to protect my interests. That isn't Donald Trump, nor is it Robert Cappucci.