Remember Jamie and Channing in the homo-erotic thriller set in ancient times?
THE EAGLE - that was the best thing about
the film, when the master and slave run off to live happily ever after at the end of the flick.
Like Ringo sings, they didn't have to act so well, because they seemed to "act naturally."
They make a great Hollywood couple, too bad Hollywood is still hooking up men with women. That old alleged lezbo Barbara Stanwick would emotionally abuse her husband Robert Taylor and according to one of those purple veil books Stanwyck was furious, that old alleged bull, and demanded Taylor come to bed to get Clark Gable out of the house.
Nice Guys Finish First–Gable and Taylor | Robert Taylor Actor
Gable in 1938 public domain photo
Channing Tatum Isn't Afraid Of His Sexually Active Bromance With Co ...
Feb 15, 2011 - —Channing Tatum, discussing he and co-star Jamie Bell's new film The ... @ Craig: You do know gay marriage was legal and practiced in ...
Channing Tatum on Why The Eagle Is Not Homoerotic, Even If He and ...