Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Public's Right to Know

907,088 @ 10:12 PM


in Medford, did the City Solicitor work on Thursdays for his own legal office, allegedly a personal collection business while residents thought we had a full-time city lawyer?

A public records request to Sheriff Perter Koutoujan's office about a former City Council President came back redacted. What was that all about? Is there stuff in that individual's background that the public should be aware of?

On June 30, 2015 a teacher and varsity coach was no longer employed by Medford High School. A public records request filed on that situation December 3, 2015 resulted in the police coming up with phony allegations against the reporter on December 8, 2015. This is the intimidation of a journalist and is a HUGE RED FLAG pointing out how suspicious, sneaky and nasty government officials can be when disclosure of information can lead to their impeachment or, possibly/allegedly - criminal charges against certain government officials.
Is this Medford or Beijing? 
Tom Brokaw's 50th Anniversary is on Dateline NBC tonight, right now 10 pm in fact. He talks about The People's Right to Know. 

 In Medford you do not have that right. Medford is more like Moscow, Havana or Beijing than any other city I have found, thus far, in Massachusetts. Why?
Senator Schumer deserves particular credit for his advocacy on behalf of the bill during the committee’s deliberations. Thanks largely to his efforts, the measure emerged from the committee without further watering down its principled protection of robust reporting and Americans’ right to know about the doings of their government. His continued leadership will be essential as the measure moves to being considered by the full Senate and House.