Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Police Chief Leo A. Sacco Jr's Own Pandora's Box

932,239 @ 7:03 pm
932,228 @ 6:34 pm

"Discipline is right out the window"
Tommy Lee Jones, Under Siege 

Tailgating Leo  
soon taking off for Rio
In political capital/ he lost his shirt
covering for f-up/ Stephen Lebert 

The poem
Mike Dukakis had Willie Horton
While Leo's hit and run 
you can put on one Shawn Norton
A council vice president
so easy to confuse
between the crimes of Norton
and officer Shawn Hughes! 

Covino and Mackowski
their fixation was on me
which is just as bad a fate as
having sex with Jimmy Lee

Best to be sinking in the Nile
than go swimming up the Hudson
Choke and beat the wife, then
put the blame on Elmer Fudd-son
In 1999 that little stunt
he thought it cute
perhaps a ride to Lynn
could land the cop a prostitute
Covino calls this "negative"
he's not in the majority
We couldn't poll them all 
due to siesta for Al Doherty
Threats to kill, malfeasance
and lots of prostituting
and then a cop named Lopez
at his home, a double shooting
 When Leo puts false charges on
innocent journalists like me
we just thank our lucky stars
we never dated Jimmy Lee

Leo needs an alibi
A chief now on the lam
When Brian Burke feeds Marian
those drinks, she's such a ham!
That grotesque lipstick punitive
Chief needs a limo fast
Part of my large settlement
we (get to) strip search Nagengast