Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Massachusetts Town Loses ENTIRE POLICE FORCE - N.Y. Times

1,227,934 @ 10:39 am  This is a job for Leo A. Sacco, jr....Maybe Leo scared them away???Massachusetts Town Loses Its Entire Police Force as All 4 Members Quit https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/31/us/blandford-police-officers-quit.html July 31, 2018 BLANDFORD, Mass. — The police cruiser sat at the edge of the parking lot in front of the town offices, angled toward the road as if an officer inside were waiting to catch...

Gun Magazine Story was truly "FAKE NEWS" - They Used it to their Advantage - Look DEEP into the story, Medford residents!!!!!

there is more to this story than meets the eye! Lots of clandestine stuff went down with the city spinning distractions like cotton candy. Do you really want a creepy mayor dishonest with the residents paying her so much money? Did Mayor Stephanie use the fake news gun clip episode to remove a principal that allegedly posed a big problem? Medford has named Nicholas L. Tucci acting principal of the John J. McGlynn Middle School as the city...

Jilted Husband Gets 8.8 Million. Will Court Clerk sue DPW Worker for "Criminal Conversation?"

1,227,765 @ 6:48 pm  896 page views since 8 pm July 30 He slept with a married woman. Now a judge says, pay the jilted husband $8.8 million Keith King was awarded more than $8.8 million on July 26, 2018, after he sued his ex-wife’s lover for alienation of affection, criminal conversation and other claims. https://www.kansascity.com/news/nation-world/article215577310.html PAGE VIEWS END at 8 PM EACH DAY Pageviews today 896 Pageviews...

New Principal For the McGlynn School

Allegations of teachers having sex with other teachers And a higher-up allegedly having sex with the parents! HA HA HA HA HA! THE GUN CLIP WAS FAKE NEWS ALLEGEDLY, THE COP THAT LOST THE CLIP GOT IT BACK RIGHT AWAY THE STORY WAS JUST USED, ALLEGEDLY, TO DUMP A 'PROBLEM HIRE' AT THE MCGLYNN SCHOOL Nick Tucci was hired as the new principal of McGlynn Middle School in Medford, Massachusetts in an attempt to gain back parent’s trust and make students...

Which Lie from City Officials is WORSE ???

1,227,580 @ 2:54 pm  Higher Standards for Medford Government What's worse? A Chief of Police's Son NOT GETTING ARRESTED for allegations of drunk driving OR, a powerful politician's daughter having sex with a teacher and a mayor who allegedly swept it under the rug to help steal the election of 2015? The saga of B.B. and D.G. continues. What did Mayor Burke, Superintendent Belson and Police Chief Leo A. Sacco, Jr. know and when did they...

Lynn, Not Medford, Gets Grant To Spruce Up Storefronts - Item Live

LYNN RECEIVES $25,000 GRANT TO UPGRADE DOWNTOWN STOREFRONTS BY GAYLA CAWLEY| July 30, 2018 LYNN — The city has received a $25,000 grant to supplement its ongoing efforts to spruce up its storefronts. The project is part of the city’s overall endeavor to rehabilitate the downtown. MassDevelopment, the state’s economic development and finance agency, has awarded Lynn a Transformative Development Initiative (TDI) Local Grant for the city’s...

From Inside Medford - now called Medford Top 10 - Hey, we STARTED the Top 10

1,227,511 @ 1:32 pm Pageviews all time history 1,227,511 We love ya, Allison, but the Top 10 for Medford started here, as did Information Central which the Patch attempted to hijack. Guess we are doing something right. The sincerest form of flattery! New Plaza Unveiled in Medford Square- Updated Allison Goldsberry July 20, 2018 No Comments Update July 28, 2018: Just over a week after the new plaza was officially...

Medford Public Library - Read Globe and New York Times for Free as of July 31, 2018

Posted on July 31, 2018 The Boston Globe and The New York Times newspapers are available for free online through the Medford Public Library. Find brief and full articles, interviews, and more from these newspapers. The Boston Globe database provides articles from 1980 onwards within a day from the print Globe and from the day-of from the online Globe. The New York Times database supplies...

Ultra Flawed Cable Advisory Board Fails To Give Advance Notice of Meetings

1,227,470 @ 1:19 pm  1,227,435 @ 12:29 pm Another Sick joke Preyed...oops, Played on the Citizens of Medford http://www.medfordma.org/mayor/city-events/ Print Week Month Agenda Showing events after 7/31. Look for earlier events Wednesday, August 1 6:30pm  Conservation Commission Meeting Monday, August 6 6:00pm  Medford...

Monday, July 30, 2018

The Very Low Standards of the Muccini-Burke Administration

1,227,108@2:01am 1,227,075 # 11:47 pm  1,227,052 @ 11:02 pm U can't play nicey-nice with gangsters and thugs. You have to embarrass them with their own misdeeds! Send tips to: InformationCentral2@gmail.com Medford Residents Have No Self Respect when a Fraud Like Muccini-Burke Pads her Pocketbook at YOUR Expense A Medford INfo Central Editorial ___________________________    On October 17, 2017 Police Chief Leo A. Sacco, Jr. was...

City of Medford in a Shambles under Muccini-Burke

1,226,872 @ 8:16 PM  1,226,849 @ 7:46 pm  City Events?  What a joke cityofmedford@medford.k12.ma.us MPS - MEDFORD'S PETTY STEPHANIE THAT'S YOUR MPS DISADVANTAGE The Chevalier Commission is not really the commission's name Free concert at Condon Shell on the blog of Ms. 92k Evangelista, but you can't even read the name of the band!!!! http://www.mpsadvantage.education/2018/07/30/aug-16th-chevalier-theatre-commission-presents-free-summer-concert-at-condon-shell/ Hey,...