Tuesday, September 4, 2018

No Access TV for Sept 4, 2018 Election

1,246,334 @ 11:01 am
Is Muccini-Burke Protecting Marian Ryan from her opponent by shutting down free speech in Medford 

Donato quote: THE MOST PROTECTED RIGHT (Political Speech) - up your ass on a Friday night at the Russian Steam Bath in Chelsea, Paul, and with Rumley's super special CORI Check you won't be able to walk for a week! especially when that road well traveled finds itself also getting the Scarpelli bloody broomstick routine in Otis Mass while you are at it!

Do it for the children, Krissy Fraser!   Krissy can do the honors and give Donato the broomstick...careful, though, he will probably like it!!!

June 12, 2018  Transcript says that the fumbling, stumbling "Cable Advisory Board" is moving forward!

Two years after Lisa Evangelista said on the high school blog that the station is "moving forward"


moving backwards under Muccini-Burke as "issuing authority"
July 14, 2016, two years prior, Lisa Evangelista told the public the new TV3 is "MOVING FORWARD"
Is there a damn echo in here?

The City of Medford and the Medford Public Schools are pleased to report that the multi-media/access TV studio is moving forward.       

two damn years later after there INTENTIONALLY was no forward movement (because Muccini-Burke is afraid of citizens having a voice) the Transcript echoes the same thing,
only in those two years TV3 2018 is moving backwards!
Two years of the "moving forward" talking point, yet where is the access TV for the September 4, 2018 election?  Nowhere to be found.

 Jay Campbell June 12, 2018 MEDFORD TRANSCRIPT
But the Medford Cable Advisory Board members want the public to know that despite MCM getting off to a slow start, the station is up and running and the board is moving forward. (Like Donald Trump whose tweets are "in flux" as he has to backtrack and make up excuses - much like Jay Campbell)

this is all about citizens' rights, citizens having a voice, and mark rumley putting a tight lid on freedom of the press and the 1st Amdendment

11 years ago your jackass State Rep Donato was all bent out of shape when HIS free speech rights were violated by elder abuser Dr. Rabies - Arthur Alan Deluca.  After he bought me a drink at Dunkin Donuts and said Jack Dempsey would play my tapes, he gave me a stipulation, a caveat, I could only play educational tapes / interviews on my show.

What a rat bastard!

It's all about Donato and City Hall, NOT about you...

the poetic justice of elder abuser Art Deluca verbally bashing his mom while a witness is on the phone - using the F word on his kind old mom who puts a roof over the useless s.o.b.'s head, bashing an elder like Donato who considers himself the champion of anti-bullying but bullied Michael Marks by putting his hand on Marks' erogenous zone, it's simply a spectacle to behold

Who are you going to believe?  Naked Paul Donato or your own eyes?   10-15-17, the "grand opening" of the witch's coven disguised as a TV station.

Two little kids and a student in the room, present, as Donato sexually harassed Marks at the "grand opening" of the TV station that isn't?  Real poetic justice at work

11 years later, no access TV in Medford unless Patrick Gordon wants you to be there.

Election time at TV3, bookkeeper hired to straighten out finances ...


Nov 19, 2007 - Paul Donato, who not only chairs the committee, but was the one who ... It's the most protected right. ... “More than likely it won't,” Pilleri said.