Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Pat Gordon, Yvette Wilks Ignoring Blatant Racism at MCC TV 3

1,246,862 @ 3:30 pm

Issuing Authority Mayor Muccini-Burke attempting to cover-up MCC TV3's Racist Past with Talking Points !

for failing to address RACISM at Medford's media stations

REMOVE YVETTE WILKS from Cable Advisory Board for failing to address sexual harassment at Somerville Cable and Racism at Medford Community Cablevision

REMOVE MARK RUMLEY for being the consigliere who allowed the racism and gay bashing to go on for years while he sat on the board of MCC TV3, only concerned about himself and his own reputation, such as it is.

Remove Gabby Follett-Sumney for the same, and for her little or no experience in Access TV

Same with village imbecile Jay Campbell, who only seems to want a job from Muccini-Burke so he does her bidding